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From San Jose Calif. I am a navy Vietnam veteran and disabled from being exposed to agent orange. I can't walk and am getting around in a power chair. I am not looking for anyone for a relationship.This is not a dating site.

Today on The Prather Point: Today on The Prather Point: JOE GIVES US TO UN WHO! MARBURG + 5G = ZOMBIES! INTERNATIONAL FAMICIDE! BLANTIFA GUNS UP! 3 WAYS TO ENGAGE. ENGAGE. ENGAGE. ➡ 1. Follow Jeffrey’s…
JEFFREY PRATHER@Awakened That is not Joe Biden. He is an imposter. He needs to be arrested and hung. I keep sharing these picture because you can tell in 5 seconds that guy is not our President. Their eyes are not even the same color. Nothing matches at all. When is this guy going to be arrested? Do we have anyone left at all that honors our constitution? First they used about 4 body doubles, then the mask guy, and now this guy who does not match any facial features at all.