"It isn't the rebels who create the troubles of the world, it's the troubles that create the rebels."
How Will the Techno Elite Get Us To Vote for Mass Surveillance? The Bad-Cop/Good Cop Scheme By Wayne Lusvardi

Resist “the instinct to bow down before the conqueror of the moment” – George Orwell, author of 1984 “Our presidential election choices are sizing up as a contest between VP Harris’ continued political…
LewRockwell@Toni Or, you don't think that they are heavily spraying all of us with chemtrails (aka geoengeering) that have been tested and proven to contain nanotechnolgy, heavy metals, and other things that make this technology possible just because of "climate change," do you? So, we breathe it in and it gets into the soil and the water, and then we eat it and drink it. Look here at what they have found to be in the geoengineering particulates. They are POISONING all of us with this. This is a screen shot that I took from a video. Hopefully, you can see it. If you want me to try and find the video it was taken from, I will.