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Patriot, Truth Seeker, In God We Trust
Patriot, Truth Seeker, In God We Trust
Its funny how independent media is defending Trump who btw is in bed with Big Pharma and launched all the vaccine rollouts and has done NOTHING to help J6 political prisoners and or anyone who has been persecuted he is a deep state shill not a hero wake up!!!!!!!! Worship God and Jesus not this fraud.
Realize that He is Fighting a WAR & there are many Booby Traps. Do the scenarios if he had done it your way & account for the worst DS responses. Like if he had said BS to the Big Pharma White Lab Coats the Media would have 25th him & locked him away....Jan6th Commission failed because he didn't react instead they exposed themselves to the World, Locking up Political prisoners, fine look at the DS's True Nature that most wouldn't believe if they hadn't watch it happened....2 dimensional thinking will create false Judgments. Realize while in Office every morning was started with a Prayer for God's guidance. God doesn't chose the Perfect Man He choses the Man Perfect for the Job.............
We are just about here in the US make no mistake
The perennial gun-control debate in America did not begin here. The same arguments for and against were made in the 1920s in the chaos of Germany’s Weimar Republic, which opted for gun registration…
National ReviewStep 1 declare a health emergency over gun violence, step 2 obtain lists of owners via corrupt ATF, step 3 create so many laws against specs you can have and own that EVERYONE is a felon.
First comes confiscation next comes the ultimate tyranny and genocide.

The world’s largest credit card companies are caught in the middle of a political slugfest over a newly created category that tracks purchases at gun stores.
www.washingtontimes.comHow do you steal the land from American Citizens you stage a major catastrophe
This is what communism looks like one party rule and lawlessness NY cannot be saved its impossible when voting is rigged and you have permanent governor dictators installed if all states become NY due to corrupt voting its done

“NEW — NY Gov. Hochul Won’t Rehire Unvaxxed Healthcare Workers Despite Mandates Being Overturned “I don’t think the answer is to have someone who comes in who is sick be exposed to someone who can give… exactly
Oh look what we have here a convenient story to cover up the vaccine heart attacks and the covidians will def fall for this garbage just like they did for the fake science Can God Please intervene on this insanity!
@kiki4shore9007 So silly.
Welcome to the smart city hell these globalists have planned right here in the US
Every great human achievement throughout history has been a result of an individual or group unified by and dedicated to a clear purpose. Telosa will be unified by its founding purpose, to create a more…
TelosaSo legalizing drugs good Gas stoves bad wow welcome to end times everyday headlines look like Babylon Bee more and more