Every parent giving their 5-year-old child a covid vaccine injection is proving they are not qualified to represent the future of the human race, because they are too stupid to protect their own young from bioweapons. Globalists know this. They are running a global IQ test with the end goal of selective depopulation. If you are gullible enough to inject your children, they will become infertile or dead. This is exactly as the globalists have designed. The family tree ends in 2022.
@HealthRanger @Martune @laughtrack
^“There shall be a confusion also in many places, and the fire shall be oft sent out again, and the wild beasts shall change their places, and "menstruous women shall bring forth monsters:”
- 2Esdras 5:8
Sounds like the "black-eyed babies" phenomenon, or new genetic offspring (jab species) we are now seeing. What will they grow into? Humanoids? Zombies? We don't know. This is all new territory.