Imagine if the unthinkable had happened. We now know there are people that would have been gleeful including MSM. These people are sick!!
x.comWouldn't try to convince you because it is impossible to break the spell.
So... The people who have trained for years and given positions of Great responsibilities can't hit a target?
7 or 8 shots fired. Possibly more than one shooter.
Trump is Not a small man. Standing on a stage. They miss? JFK was in a moving vehicle. Geez
Everyone look over here. Lots of press. But, then Trump does the Best I'm a victim news coverage, That commands attention and pity. Biden also a victim/puppet gets ridiculed, smeared and takes all the blame. We have the 'Good' ? guy, the Villain and the Author?
Perhaps spending more time helping each other would be time well spent instead of the Drama, Gossip and taking sides.
Just a thought
Good point!