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mein Zeil:
"Denn ich bin ein Mensch, der Obrigkeit untertan, und habe unter mir Kriegsknechte; und wenn ich sage zu einem: Gehe hin! so geht er; und zum andern: Komm her! so kommt er; und zu meinem Knecht: Tu das! so tut er's." Matthäus 8:9
What a fellowship . . . sinking self confidence a choice temp
mein Zeil:
"Denn ich bin ein Mensch, der Obrigkeit untertan, und habe unter mir Kriegsknechte; und wenn ich sage zu einem: Gehe hin! so geht er; und zum andern: Komm her! so kommt er; und zu meinem Knecht: Tu das! so tut er's." Matthäus 8:9
What a fellowship . . . sinking self confidence a choice temp
War is a racket, by Smedley D. Butler
War is a racket, by Smedley D. Butler
War is a racket, by Smedley D. Butler
wife number 5 Grace Bradley inherited the millions . . . when William Boyd died in 1977 after Parkinson's and resultant heart failure . . .
Some film makers and musicians like to create these fictions about the devil as being this big powerful thing that can defeat God. Nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, the enemy is crafty and yes, he does have some power, but he was defeated by Jesus Christ 2000+ years ago. So this attempt to puff himself up and fill your mind with fear is part of the devil’s fruitcake strategy. Remember, he uses influential people to build him up to be something more than he is. And if you watched a bunch of horror movies like I did as a kid, you might begin to believe these evil lies.
But if you turn to the pages of the Holy Bible, the living Word of God, and the only source of truth, you will learn that the devil’s power is limited. If you live according to God’s will, you will be protected if you quote scripture every time the devil tempts you. Only when you go outside of God’s will, like I did to find a ‘twin flame,’ (Fantasy relationship), will you be under the power of foreign gods, which we know from the Holy Bible, leads to brutal Captivity. The demon even attempted to force marriage upon me during those three and half months of captivity and said he would take me to his temple. Again, it was when I was half sleeping, but fortunately, I was still strong enough that I knew not to enter into any sort of binding agreement with this evil entity.
my parents discouraged me from following God, "go to church with us, yes, but please don't take it so seriously! it is really just a cultural club." they counselled me to follow self and to rely on human understanding. was that a disservice or what? but now at age 79 we are (God and i) sorting out the chaos that is the result of my parents' short sighted counselling.
there, that's a picture of the orientation . . .
it's lined up with the golden gate
i can see a face off coming here shortly . . . Jehovah vs. that imposter allah finally formulated in satan's understanding after 600 years, despite the headaches he was constantly enduring, and after thrashing it around for 600 years in his consciousness, he produced his god to face off with Jehovah, . . how will allah every manage against the Almighty, the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, my God, my King, the Creator of everything (including satan)? We shall surely enjoy observing this contest. Gentleman, start your engines !
you always need that adversary contending with you to confirm your strength . . .
another view
the islamers just copied the crusaders, the crusaders thought this "rock" was the place. they forgot to read in the Bible that the threshing floor was flat.
why do so many people insist that the temple is to be built on top of the Dome of the Rock? This Islamic mosque is not built over the threshing floor that David bought. The threshing floor is in the red circle that i drew. The temple goes over the threshing floor. Therefore there is room for both structures.
why do so many people insist that the temple is to be built on top of the Dome of the Rock? This Islamic mosque is not built over the threshing floor that David bought. The threshing floor is in the red circle that i drew. The temple goes over the threshing floor. Therefore there is room for both structures.
why do so many people insist that the temple is to be built on top of the Dome of the Rock? This Islamic mosque is not built over the threshing floor that David bought. The threshing floor is in the red circle that i drew. The temple goes over the threshing floor. Therefore there is room for both structures.
why do so many people insist that the temple is to be built on top of the Dome of the Rock? This Islamic mosque is not built over the threshing floor that David bought. The threshing floor is in the red circle that i drew. The temple goes over the threshing floor. Therefore there is room for both structures.
from the mt of olives looking through the golden gate to see the outer court and further to the closed holy of holiess entrance
why do so many people insist that the temple is to be built on top of the Dome of the Rock? This Islamic mosque is not built over the threshing floor that David bought. The threshing floor is in the red circle that i drew. The temple goes over the threshing floor. Therefore there is room for both structures.
from the mt of olives looking through the golden gate to see the outer court and further to the closed holy of holiess entrance