@adam20228 on twitter A.D.A.M.2022
American Duopoly Abolition Movement
Another body-cam perspective shows when they saw the gunman on the roof and the keystone cop response...
This one includes the footage from the suspended X-account of "AdudeUknow"..
This is a very thorough overview of the east-side activity... Where direct action wasted opportunity to eliminate threat... Do they not understand maintaining/prioritizing plane-of-visibility over proximity to threat??? They had shots from two angles..
https://youtu. be/vhjrC1wzJG4 --- first few minutes
Distances in the video are extremely exaggerated by wide angle lens but i keeping hearing people say "he was quite a ways off"..
That is only a video viewers perspective and being injected to build plausible-excusibility..
A proper tactical response would have dropped this guy from two angles...
The video from the wast side provides the glaring example of poor tactical action...