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URGENT WARNINGS for America’s imminent judgement by God - NEW PROPHECIES
Interview with Stan Johnson from Prophecy Club
America will be judged, and so will the false churches!
@HealthRanger The word "INSUBORDINATION" must echo in the hive mind of USA. Better yet: all over the world. Do not pity your authorities, no matter what show the put on: they are mimics of human and deadly dangerous parasites!
Judgment of God? More like the 1% using the opportunity to ride on Saturn's wrath. Ask people of India what Saturn's energy does to human. They have it all written down. Last time Saturn ruled the skies in the 90's - what went bad, what got invented and how many died? Now is Saturn's second intensity rule and all damage is amplified by at least 2. In Saturn's third rule, there will be very few survivors, about 3 million of the extremely lucky, but not "the chosen ones", if the 1% goes full mad and decides there should not be life possible above the sea level on our dear planet Earth.
Now, who has the power to alternate the future, away from the vampires path of the unfillable hungry graves? It has something to do with turning the energy vampires upside down...
Btw, in USA the military is using a mind altering energy weapon on the people - that explains why the people experience/hallucinate the same things. It's all irrelevant, has zero use and its goal is to drive you mad. There is no institution that can fix you. Only the 1% know how.
Also, Mike, fix the search on NaturalNews website! All it shows for results is recent articles.
It is a well-documented demographic fact that Haitian IQs are extremely low, among the lowest in the world, as you can see from World Population Review ( Why did Democrats choose to import nearly 5% of the Haitian population into the USA? It's because Democrats need to lower average IQs enough for more people to vote for Democrats. Not hyperbole. That is an irrefutable statement of fact. High-IQ people are not generally fooled by Kamala's twerking pop singers and policy-lacking emotional appeals rooted in nonsense, but low-IQ people are easily swayed by such empty campaign tactics. For Democrats to win elections, the need to both CHEAT and transform America into a low-IQ third world nation. Hence the weaponized migration from nations that are widely known for lack of cognitive achievement. Haitian migrants are chosen by Democrats precisely because of where that nation sits on the world IQ charts. If Democrats could find a nation with an average IQ of 50, they would no doubt import those people first. And no, it's not "racist" to cite demographics. Yes, IQs vary greatly from nation to nation, for a few surprising reasons I shall discuss in more detail.
You know all those people who were left behind inside the Twin Towers on 9/11 while the deep state engineered the event? Yeah, that's exactly what's going to happen to all the people left holding dollars when the U.S. dollar collapses. Try not to be left behind. Gold just hit $2569 today, an all-record high. That means the dollar is rapidly collapsing. Controlled demolition of the currency, folks. The U.S. dollar is the Building 7 of money.
Gold hits another all-time high today. The #dollar is in a state of accelerating collapse. The corporate media is utterly ignoring it, hoping you don't notice. 100+ nations are embracing the BRICS currency, and throughout 2025, the dollar will be increasingly abandoned on a global scale. The American people still left holding dollars will find themselves impoverished, homeless and REPLACED in their own nation as the "shadow wealth" of the rigged stock market, Treasury bonds and bank accounts evaporates right in front of them. Those who know what's happening are surging their assets into #gold and #silver. Those who don't know are holding dollars and will be financially destroyed in short order. It has never been more obvious. Decide now which side of history you want to be on. Personally, I'm betting on the table of elements (gold and silver) as outlasting fake counterfeit man-made currency (the dollar).
The US empire is building an infrastructure of WAR while bombing and destroying key components of the infrastructure of TRADE in other countries. In contrast, BRICS nations like China and Russia are building an infrastructure of TRADE, not war. It's clear that BRICS nations want peace and trade, while the US empire wants endless global WAR. Nearly a million Europeans are already dead (Ukraine + Russia) because the US empire wanted to harm Russia by throwing Ukrainian men into a military campaign with Russia. When BRICS comes online, 100+ nations will join it, and the dollar will die. Interestingly, this will put an end to dollar-denominated war and terrorism around the world, largely carried out by the US empire itself, which functions primarily as a geopolitical terror state. We the People must put an end to this insanity at the coming election, and we must restore America to a pro-trade footing where we engage in rational trade and commerce with other nations around the world, instead of bombing them, assassinating their leaders, conducting covert revolutions and rigging elections across the globe. America can be STRONG as a nation once again, but only if it recognizes a multi-polar geopolitical reality and works to engage other nations in rational commerce and diplomacy. In other words, the psychopaths currently running the US State Dept have to go, or America will be blockaded by most of the rest of the world.
The official government explanation of what happened on 9/11 is, of course, a complete fabrication. It's just one of a thousand deliberate lies that form the tapestry of misinformation and disinformation pushed by the government itself.
(2/2) Moving forward, my company is building the first and ONLY AI-powered LLM that's trained on over 1,000 books covering nutrition, superfoods, natural medicine, detoxification and more, and we have already released early models for free at Brighteon.AI with many more yet to come. This is how we are working to uplift human knowledge in these areas of nutrition and natural medicine. Thank you for your support, as we couldn't do it without you. I pray that people who are NEW to this fight for truth would at least recognize the OG warriors like myself and Mercola (and others) who have paid a heavy price for at least two decades to bring the world's awareness to the point of MAHA. It has not been an easy journey, and this did not happen overnight. It took DECADES of effort and education, fighting censorship, hit pieces and ridicule, to get to this tipping point. Tucker is magnifying the truth in a powerful way, but Tucker has not yet interviewed the really mind-blowing people who have the deepest knowledge about all this. For example, Sayer Ji from Green Med Info. Or David Wolfe. There are powerful, passionate voices who haven't even been tapped yet by people like Tucker Carlson or Joe Rogan. Tucker has so far only had the "light" version of health and nutrition on his show. It goes way deeper...
WARNING to all African nations: Just like the science advisor to the Nixon administration (Lee DuBridge, see link below) wanted to export food to Africa laced with infertility and depopulation chemicals (admitted by NY Times in 1969), the western VACCINES being pushed on your nations are depopulation / ethnical cleansing kill shots. The West is an imperialist predatory medicine regime that disguises genocide as immunization, and seeks the total extermination of your kind. In America, ABORTION centers are used to exterminate blacks. In Africa, VACCINES are the weapon of choice. If you want your children to live in abundance and prosperity, for future generations to come, REJECT western vaccines and medical experiments on your population.

A November 4, 1969 New York Times feature article authored by Gladwin Hill called for sterilization chemicals to be added to the food supply in order to achieve globalist goals of human depopulation. That… But in the very beginning WHO introduced overpopulation to Africa; now you know them as immigrants.
The Israeli military just shot and killed an American in the West Bank. Note how NOBODY in the US Congress will protest this, because American lives are not nearly as important to them as Israeli lives. For most of them, it's Israel first, America last.

Activist at the scene tells MEE 26-year old Aysenur Ezgi Eygi's shooting was 'deliberate' targeting
www.middleeasteye.netBTW, the reason God has so far failed to win over the hearts and minds of most people is because he gave humanity FREE WILL. And with that free will, most people have been lured into being morons, or evil, or corrupt, or complacent, because they made CHOICES along the way that led them to that intellectual laziness. It's incredibly easy for people to become evil. It takes deliberate focus and effort, on the other hand, to be GOOD people.
I created this cartoon in 2006. It describes an economy rooted in processed junk foods, mass medication, mass death, cancer and degenerative disease while the mayor brags about the GDP. This is the world today in 2024. Gross DEATH Product is booming. Vote RFK + Trump to end this cycle of madness.
Because so many people keep asking, YES, I am:
* 100% unjabbed for at least 25 years.
* ZERO prescription medications.
* NEVER took a covid swab / PCR test.
* NEVER smoked pot and don't intend to start.
* NEVER used recreational drugs.
Not judging anybody who has done one or more of these, just saying that my discernment has told me to stay from from ALL these things. I've seen too many lives destroyed from drugs, medications and jabs. No thanks.
@HealthRanger I wish I could get off prescription drugs (nothing psychedelic) , but it would require me going to the doctor for regular blood tests and 1) I will never trust a doctor again 2) I don't have insurance 3) I don't have any money.
When the SHTF I know I'm done for if I cannot find the meds I need. Nothing I can do about it. It's in God's hands.
Because so many people keep asking, YES, I am:
* 100% unjabbed for at least 25 years.
* ZERO prescription medications.
* NEVER took a covid swab / PCR test.
* NEVER smoked pot and don't intend to start.
* NEVER used recreational drugs.
Not judging anybody who has done one or more of these, just saying that my discernment has told me to stay from from ALL these things. I've seen too many lives destroyed from drugs, medications and jabs. No thanks.
@HealthRanger I wish I could get off prescription drugs (nothing psychedelic) , but it would require me going to the doctor for regular blood tests and 1) I will never trust a doctor again 2) I don't have insurance 3) I don't have any money.
When the SHTF I know I'm done for if I cannot find the meds I need. Nothing I can do about it. It's in God's hands.
Yesterday I interviewed Sheriff Richard Mack. He told me that according to his intel sources, Oct 7th is going to be a day of widespread terrorism attacks across America, carried out by illegals who are opposed to Biden / Harris support for Israel's war on Palestine. The fact that Democrats continue to send bombs to Israel while keeping the border wide open is practically an invitation for domestic terrorism to occur. Matt Bracken repeatedly speaks about the pre-staging of weapons systems across America to be picked up by illegal invader terrorists, and those weapons include full-auto AKs, mortars, etc. I have other sources backing up the intel on the presence of weapon systems in stash houses and storage lockers across the country. Also still missing is at least one surface-to-air missile system that can reportedly take down a commercial jet, or even (God forbid) something like Trump's private jet, which is why I previously shared this warning with Trump's security team as best I could. Everybody needs to be prepared on Oct 7th to potentially lose power, water, 911 services, road access, ports, refineries and other possible targets. I'll cover this more in an upcoming podcast. The Sheriff Richard Mack interview will be published in a day or two. We all have roughly five weeks to get fully prepared for the possibility of serious disruptions, and let us pray that these warnings turn out to be inaccurate, because want peace and civility as we head into the election.
If you are an American, the greatest threat against your health and your life isn't COVID, nor West Nile, nor Zika, EEE, Ebola or any other plandemic. The greatest threat against you comes from your own corrupt federal government, which relies on violence, aggression, threats and coercion to get what it wants. Your government attacks you with bioweapons, wages war on your psyche with propaganda, carpet bombs your lungs with chemtrail spraying, approves the spraying of your foods with toxic chemical cocktails based on chemical weapons, grants medical monopolies to toxic chemotherapy and vaccine bioweapons, all while openly encouraging violent illegals to take over your cities and neighborhoods while defunding police. There is no threat against your life and future than the threat posed by your own federal government. We are very fortunate to have people stepping forward who plan to halt government violence against the people. The names of those people include Trump, Vance, RFK Jr., Shanahan and many others, hopefully to include Paxton as AG. Our government should SERVE the people, not THREATEN the people. It's time to turn this around.
Recognize what you are watching. Days after the assassination attempt on Trump, where Trump's "Fight! Fight! Fight!" heroic response was dominating the news headlines, the largest IT collapse in history (Crowdstrike) was unleashed to change the news headlines. Fast forward a few weeks. As the corporate media is fawning over the wholly inauthentic DNC convention, Trump and RFK Jr. roll out their tag team announcement that nullifies the entire media celebration of the DNC. What you are watching unfolding is NARRATIVE NEUTRALIZATION in the info war, with much more yet to come.
Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 20, 2024 - Democrats demand mass re-education camps (DEATH CAMPS) for all conservatives
- Democrats promise gun confiscation and re-education camps for all conservatives
- Kamala Harris's plan for full-blown communism where government sets wages and food prices
- The plan for mass extermination of conservatives, Christians and Trump supporters
- The Monkeypox hoax and vaccine-induced immune system collapse
- AIDS, Fauci and the globalist depopulation agenda
- Spiritual warfare and the importance of clean blood for a clean mind and spirit
- Interview: The Cosmic Summit and impact theory
- Biblical Archeology and Catastrophism
- Sermon: Wickedness in the church and how Paul tried to guide church leaders to God
Sequence of coming collapse events on current trajectory:
1) Ukraine collapse (military in nature)
2) Israel collapse (military and economic)
3) UK collapse (economic and demographic)
4) USA collapse (debt / hyperinflation / civil unrest / global de-dollarization)
In other words, the West is currently on a losing trajectory and unless a course correction is made, Western civilization will merely be a tragic, violent blip in the history of humanity on planet Earth.
Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 19, 2024 – HOW IT ENDS: The final chapter of Israel, Ukraine, UK and USA
- Potential war between Israel and Iran, with economic and mental health crises in #Israel. (0:03)
- Israel's immoral actions and potential destruction by other countries. (3:51)
- Risk of nuclear war between Israel and Iran. (13:03)
- Ukraine's attack on Kursk, possible nuclear false flag event, and impending fall of Ukraine. (20:00)
- Potential collapse of US dollar as global reserve currency as #BRICS rolls out. (37:15)
- Trump's stance on Israel vs free speech. (1:08:35)
- Interview with Montalk: The origin of darkness and corruption in the universe. (1:21:35)
- God's nature and existence across cultures and religions. (1:44:52)
- Aliens, demons, and their connections. (1:49:48)
- Using intentional speech and prayer to influence reality. (2:06:49)
- Spirituality, synchronicities, and the battle between light and darkness. (2:25:23)
- Sermon: Ephesians 5:1-3, with emphasis on walking in love (2:48:27)
- The importance of detoxification for spiritual growth and purity. (2:51:07)
- Detoxification from Satan's molecules, spiritual growth through nutrition and faith. (3:27:20)
Ever notice how the very same churches that currently applaud the mass bombing of women and children in Gaza also applauded the mass injection of Americans with COVID bioweapons jabs? #Gaza got carpet bombed with explosives. America got carpet bombed with death jabs. In both cases, the perpetrators worship death and destruction while pretending to be houses of God. REJECT THE FALLEN CHURCHES and prepare for a new remnant to rise. More details tomorrow...