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- Professor Preponomics
Welcome to Professor Preponomics. We hope you enjoy the articles, information, and resources developed for you here at Professor Preponomics, and that you will visit often. Here you’ll learn about living a prepared life, and we hope you’ll join in the journey. Understanding that each of us comes to preparedness from diverse backgrounds, with varying levels of experience, and with a unique set of resources, you’ll find that we try to develop something for everyone!
- Professor Preponomics
Welcome to Professor Preponomics. We hope you enjoy the articles, information, and resources developed for you here at Professor Preponomics, and that you will visit often. Here you’ll learn about living a prepared life, and we hope you’ll join in the journey. Understanding that each of us comes to preparedness from diverse backgrounds, with varying levels of experience, and with a unique set of resources, you’ll find that we try to develop something for everyone!
This kind of behavior says a whole lot about who the Democrats are, what they have become, and what they are willing to do to those who have different views. As there is no shortage, it’s difficult to find an equally plausible explanation for the denial of monoclonal antibody doses to Florida and other “Red” states. I would anticipate a legal challenge brought by every state denied doses of this life-saving therapy...

Biden Cuts Monoclonal Antibody Supply to Florida - This kind of behavior says a whole lot about who the Democrats are, what they have become, and what they are willing to do to those who have different…
Professor PreponomicsRead this story carefully… It may be that the attorney now indicted will reveal in cooperation with the investigation, and perhaps as part of any plea deal forthcoming, whose idea it was to present the FBI with information that suggested Trump’s collusion with Russia. …and was the FBI fooled by this or were people within the FBI part of the plan?

Durham Indictment - Read this story carefully… It may be that the attorney now indicted will reveal in cooperation with the investigation, and perhaps as part of any plea deal forthcoming...
Professor PreponomicsHow much longer are we going to allow ourselves to be distracted by this crap. it will, obviously, amount to nothing in the end and does not even warrant our attention. There are REAL dangers a foot that we need to pay attention to--like, the fall of our country into communism and the dominance of the tyrannical state in its pursuit of total control of our life and death. Please Wake-Up!
The Biden-Harris regime simply does not want all of us to see what is happening at our Southern Border. The images are too powerful – and adverse to their objectives and agendas.

Shocking Photos Reveal Conditions the US Southern Border – Biden-Harris Ban Drones to Hide the Horror, Texans Say BUILD THE WALL
Professor PreponomicsThe importance and urgency of this work by the Pandemic Health Alliance cannot be overstated. We must restore the rights of doctors to the practice medicine which is both an art and a science. We must protect the rights of patients to request and receive treatments most especially when their literal lives hang in the balance. People are dying. What is their true intent?

The Pandemic Health Alliance – Early Treatment Protocols to Fight COVID-19 - The importance and urgency of this work by the Pandemic Health Alliance cannot be overstated.
Professor PreponomicsThe answer is NO. It’s very simple. It’s not complicated. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Bring to a halt the spending insanity that is crippling our nation and every citizen within it. Do not give in. Do not give up. Your voices must be heard. Speak up, America.

It’s Very Simple: NO MORE SPENDING INSANITY - Bring to a halt the spending insanity that is crippling our nation and every citizen within it. Do not give in. Do not give up. Your voices must be heard.
Professor PreponomicsThis absolutely rocks...
People are dying. Put politics aside, and untie the hands of doctors who stand ready to save the lives of many. The use of repurposed drugs is not a new idea or practice – and medicine is both an art and a science. Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine both show tremendous promise, and our friends and allies in India and Japan are proving their effectiveness in broad use across a large population of people.

India and Ivermectin - Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine both show tremendous promise, and our friends and allies in India and Japan are proving their effectiveness...
Professor PreponomicsIt’s hard to imagine incompetence at this level. We must consider the possibility, perhaps the likelihood – of intent. The implication of intent is that among us are traitors who have committed acts of treason, and that this treason has caused and will continue to result in the loss of innocent life. Certainly among the evidence is that the Biden-Harris regime left behind known hostage Mark Frerichs. Further and before leaving Afghanistan entirely...

Where Is Mark Frerichs – Never Forget, No Man Left Behind - It’s hard to imagine incompetence at this level. We must consider the possibility of intent.
Professor PreponomicsThe liberal media mocks the use of ivermectin at every turn, and yet, it appears to share common ground with the proposed oral anti-viral being developed at Pfizer. We should all take a serious interest in learning more. Our commitment should be to save lives – and far too many have been lost. With this in mind, the United States – and the world – should pursue every option, including not only the development of new therapies, but the use of repurposed drugs...

The Power of a Protease Inhibitor - The liberal media mocks the use of ivermectin at every turn, and yet, it appears to share common ground with the proposed oral anti-viral being developed at Pfizer.
Professor PreponomicsThere is tremendous political power at the level of the precinct. It is among the most important points of access to the political process, and one that relies on the participation of American patriots committed to the restoration, protection and preservation of our Constitutional Republic. Learn more. Get involved. Everyone can make a difference in this historic and pivotal time.

Power of the Precinct - There is tremendous political power at the level of the precinct. It is among the most important points of access to the political process...
Professor PreponomicsThe story of what happened to Project Veritas, and the loss they suffered at the hands of financial hackers, is an important and cautionary tale – and one from which we can all learn. He also makes the important point that while the officials who are charged with investigating and prosecuting these crimes are busy interfering in school board meetings (and the protests of parents who object to CRT), insufficient attention is paid to the crimes...

Project Veritas Hacked - PLEASE EXERCISE EXTRAORDINARY CAUTION and protect yourselves from financial losses, identity theft, and other crimes.
Professor Preponomics“As law enforcement officers, our first duty and what we swear an oath to, is to support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Arkansas. It is in that defense and the defense of individual liberty that the Cleburne County Sheriff’s Office has not, and will not mandate the COVID vaccine for any of our employees. Just like with the flu shot, their choice to get vaccinated or not is theirs and theirs alone, and we respect...”

Arkansas Sheriff Chris Brown - It is in that defense and the defense of individual liberty that the Cleburne County Sheriff’s Office has not, and will not mandate the COVID vaccine for any of our employees.
Professor PreponomicsSend these medical bills to Dr. Anthony Fauci. He can negotiate their settlement with the Chinese Community Party (CCP) and the Wuhan Institute of Virology responsible for the creation of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Remember that whether or not a person will suffer physical and/or financial harm is not determined by vaccination status.

Send the Bills to Fauci - He can negotiate their settlement with the Chinese Community Party (CCP) and the Wuhan Institute of Virology responsible for the creation of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes…
Professor PreponomicsAn exceptional and critically important discussion about the use and effects of manipulation by propagandists. It’s thoughtful, thought-provoking, and timely. Propaganda is a powerful force used to manipulate the minds of many through the use of coercive psychology. I hope you’ll read this from start to finish, and share it with as many others as you can reach. Engage your minds. Develop and apply those critical thinking skills. Help others to do the same.

The Rise of Covid Executioners - Propaganda is a powerful force used to manipulate the minds of many through the use of coercive psychology.
Professor Preponomics