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Hey y'all, Leah and Michelle here! We're just a couple of sisters who own an urban farm in Ohio. We hope to offer you REAL, relevant news, with maybe a few laughs on the side. We want to empower you, the Resistance, with tools to stand up against tyranny from all sides. As we always say, "we don't lean to the Right and we don't lean to the Left... we lean on the Word of God." So everything you hear from us will be filtered through that. We stand for a righteous America, the one our Founding Fath
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Hey y'all, Leah and Michelle here! We're just a couple of sisters who own an urban farm in Ohio. We hope to offer you REAL, relevant news, with maybe a few laughs on the side. We want to empower you, the Resistance, with tools to stand up against tyranny from all sides. As we always say, "we don't lean to the Right and we don't lean to the Left... we lean on the Word of God." So everything you hear from us will be filtered through that. We stand for a righteous America, the one our Founding Fath
Glory! Let your fire fall!! Read this out loud with your family today!!! Did you know how amazing St Patrick was? Listen to this 1500 yr old prayer by a former slave who changed not just a nation but made a mark for God's kingdom around the world. Dear Christians-Happy St Patrick's Day!
I arise today
Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
Through belief in the Threeness,
Through confession of the Oneness
of the Creator of creation.
I arise today
Through the strength of Christ's birth with His baptism,
Through the strength of His crucifixion with His burial,
Through the strength of His resurrection with His ascension,
Through the strength of His descent for the judgment of doom.
I arise today
Through the strength of the love of cherubim,
In the obedience of angels,
In the service of archangels,
In the hope of resurrection to meet with reward,
In the prayers of patriarchs,
In the predictions of prophets,
In the preaching of apostles,
In the faith of confessors,
In the innocence of holy virgins,
In the deeds of righteous men.
I arise today, through
The strength of heaven,
The light of the sun,
From Mike Adams's, "Natural News" interview with Brad Cummings
Use Promo code: "ResistanceChicks" at and to save 20%
PG here, masfaith3, Resistance Chicks, Leah's mom, Patriot Gallery. 3.) Only gold and silver coins are money. Everyone needs to farm and use horses. Satan has no power when we stand in Jesus' Name pleading Jesus' death paid the price for everyone's sins and freedom from sin, from Satan. Satan must let people go. Evil men must let all of us go. They must cease and desist. When you confess or plead the blood of Jesus you are stating where your power and authority for self-government comes from God. The authority to uphold god's written law is within us. The Ohio Constitution. God set us free not to do whatever we wanted and sin, (rob, steal, kill), We have been liberated to LIFE, HAPPINESS, and FREEDOM TO SERVE GOD to live by every word of God. To cause men to repent of their sinful lives and turn to God and obey God. In Ohio, all our laws come from God. Ohio is my Country.
Patriot Gallery Mark Baker of Green Acre wanted to do a class on butchering. Time got away we have to do it Sunday. Yes, on Easter. Men will do the duty then we dip in boiling water and scrape the outside, cut the carcass down the middle, and clean out the entrails,, and guts of the animals. Let it drain overnight, then Monday and Tuesday do the processing. Kune Kunes 2 oversized animals. Many have expressed their desire to have a class on this life-sustaining skill. Sorry short notice. At this time of uncertainty, it is a very good thing to learn. We will be making lard and sausages, plus. Cincinnati, Ohio In the evenings after 4:00pm
@resistancechics Question... Is there a list of owners that pay in real currency? Other than Russia? The solution (while I totally believe you) seems impossible to implement.
Yes, each State in America is looking to establish its own Sovereignty "reign" is the important part of that word. by issuing their own gold and silver coins. Establishing State banks. Without your own "kingdom" which the gold and silver treasury establishes, you are not a country, not a State, not a government, with your own Constitution, laws, and justice. Just did a blog called: Pt 6 Sovereign State Banks Only Gold and Silver Coins wPG on Brighteon, Rumble, and Bitchute. Hurry, they are taking down all my post disappearing me off the internet. This is a War. Coming up:
PG here. James 5 is the answer repent of every using their counterfeited money, use gold and silver coins, Amos 8. God has given us all the answers. Revelation 6:5-6 a silver dime is worth 3 flour sacks full of barley or 1 flour sack full of wheat the Word of God is true yesterday today, tomorrow. Oh and don't use their cars, use horses. God created horses for transportation. The Bible is the Law no other laws are above it. Read it know it. Act upon it. Bow down to no man! Humble yourself before God. You are a chosen stone!
1.) PG here, Revelation Today: Men carry a gun because they carry in their pockets gold and silver coins. Women never wear make up for the Lord's protection and to be truly loved by God. Whores and prostitutes wear make up for the wrong kind of love, love of money. Men lust after these women. There is no depth of sincerity or faithfulness. A Women with a pure heart loves God and Trust God's Word within her, his light and love is her covering. New blog
The Covenant: Restoring The Ancient Paths We invite you to join us on a weekend that will not only change your life and renew your faith in God’s Divine Plan but will spark a fresh movement of freedom and liberty across the globe using the very principles of morality, faith, and Divine inspiration the Pilgrim forefathers and the Revolutionary Founding Fathers used.
Dive into an immersive weekend unlike any you have ever experienced.
2, 3.) PG here not Resistance Chicks. Where in the Bible does God command men to use diesel, Gas, Oil? Where in the Bible does God say society can not function without diesel, gas, Oil, etc. Why are you lying to yourself? Satan has filled men with lying spirits, lying tongues. Why are we lying? God created Horses, Liveries for transportation. God tells us to tell people to repent from manmade inventions.
2.) God's spirit, his anointed, love and power is the truth as God sees it. God heals your life and mind of any sins you or others committed against you or any one else. To destroy the Federal Reserve, IRS, tyrannical government we need God to convict them of their crimes, sins and destroy everything they did. God heals all Americans and the land. All done by the power of God: the Holy Spirit which upholds the Word of God. Men must obey God and him only. Obey God's laws written within them.
3.) I was there when men like locust destroyed these good works of men and sold good men to buy Rockefellers consumables, throw a ways,
Using fake currency, they had no real wealth it was all counterfeited made out of thin air. Americans became consumers, dumber! Dependent no longer independent. You can not do anything without them they OWN YOU! You can not provide for yourselves any more and will starve to death soon.
Tonight at 11:45, part two will be edited and put up today tonight Part 3 will be live. e know that royal baby names spark trends, but royal titles do too:
Memorial Day, Frontiers Day, Pentecost Holy Week, The Birth of the Sons of God! Filled with the power of God. Largest Meteor shower, all in one Week. 5 Part Series.
Two side:
Counterfeit USA no blue check Mark Confederates:
Happy #ResurrectionSunday! As we celebrate the #RisenChrist, the world shows us we have much work to do in spreading the #Gospel and bringing true #liberty & #justice for all! This week, #Australiansports newscasters mentioned sudden onsets of illness or injuries in elite athletes. #Britain's #HouseofLords goes #genderneutral- no word yet if they plan on nixing the gendered name of "lord."
LIVE premier tonight!!! February 8th, 2022 8:30PM ET
@theclayclark takes on #Schwab, #TheGreatReset, #Transhumanism- Says NO to #METAVERSE We all know Klaus Schwab, with his supervillain accent, has big plans to take over the world, but now he and his globalist cronies are no longer hiding just how nefarious the mechanism of those plans is. We spoke with Clay Clark who took us down a rabbit trail with video of Schwab's latest lackey Israeli, #YuvalNoahHarari . Watch!!!
Governments are to protect against this, arrest those doing this, prosecute them, not be perpetrators of the crime. You are upside down. Or being "a Hill Billy", backwards, stuck in ancient times. Before Jesus came into the earth and men knew, delighted in the love and power of God. Men Filled with God's light, spirit and divine wisdom. Men became sound mind and civilized through the Gospel of Jesus Christ on whom are Republic is built upon.
On Line Christmas Party! You don't want to miss the Resistance Chicks ANNUAL ChristmasSpecial!!!
Join us tonight, Thursday, December 23rd at 7:00 PM ET for a night of FUN, GIFTS & MailCall, a LIVE #GIVEAWAY of the #FoundersBible, Christmas #Carols and Laughter!!! Come catch the #ChristmasSpirit with us! For #Jesus is the REASON for the Season!!!