The vaccine tyranny nightmare I warned about is HERE. The criminal Biden regime announces unrestricted warfare upon the American people.
Soon, FEMA squads and U.S. soldiers will be coming to your door to vaccinate you at gunpoint (or drag you away to a covid death camp)

The scenario I've been warning about for years is finally here. It's now confirmed by the White House that FEMA goon squads will be going "door-to-door" across America to coerce unvaccinated people into… In Chile the dictator issued an order June 23rd that anyone positive or in contact with a "delta positive" will be forced quarantined as government facility or hospital and forced a PCR thru your brain. They can just make it up by saying "you've been at the same time and place as a positive according to the data from your green pass"
They want to make sure this delta natural vaccine doesn't get out.