Suspended on Vimeo on April 2020 for posting Natural Covid cures. Then constantly censored on fb and twitter. Good to be among the savvy. Also, am an artist and stopped all work for disseminating articles about the NWO and Covid Madness.
Member since Jun 2021
U.S. city's ban on home Bible studies reaches climax
'His neighbors could have 100 people over every week to watch 'Lord of the Rings,' and there would be no violation'
https://www.wnd.com/2024/07/u-s-citys-ban-on-home-bible-studies-reaches-climax/ #biblestudy

U.S. city's ban on home Bible studies reaches climax * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh
A California city that had banned home Bible studies, and threatened one resident with zoning violation prosecutions, has decided to back down.