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Fighter for Freedom. Seeker of Truth. Jesus is King.
Fighter for Freedom. Seeker of Truth. Jesus is King.
Oh now it makes sense. I thought Dems were promoting "gun free zones" but in fact, in Afghanistan, Biden was running a "FREE GUN ZONE" where 600,000 firearms are given away to America's enemies.
Got it!
@HealthRanger It’s Treason if they hadn’t surreptitiously surrendered the constitution.
wish this was funny
I am beginning to think those weapons are now in safer hands than they were before,
How many billions of people are the Taliban trying to kill? - far less the Faucci - who is humanity's greatest enemy at the moment.
Likely the Taliban will use those weapons to defend themselves from the constant outside invaders who left them there.
#Fauci dismisses “Freedom” in call for #vaccine mandates: “The time has come. Enough is enough.”

After the FDA fully approved the Pfizer COVID vaccine, Anthony Fauci immediately issued a decree via his permanent CNN propaganda platform that it is time for nationwide vaccine mandates. (Article by Steve… What a Luciferian!
@NaturalNews By Foul-Chee logic, anyone who has EVER died of the flu, would be considered murdered.
#Cuomo declares FAKE ‘#gunviolence disaster emergency’ in New York state – VIDEO

USA – -( Anti-gun New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) has issued an executive order declaring a “gun violence” disaster emergency in the Empire State, reportedly allowing him to “tap into $138… can we sue Ford for drunk driving fatalities?
America will not survive four years under the Biden / Obama Marxist lunatics!
Situation Update, June 11th, 2021 - DROUGHT collapsing the food supply, LAWLESSNESS collapsing blue cities as America plunges toward Third World chaos
Demented Genocidal Criminal Anthony Fauci “Attacks on Me Are Attacks Against Science” -

They are holding Fauci as defense in the event the sunlight gets too close to Obama. The more he spoke of his honor, the faster we counted the spoons...
The Last Refuge@AwakenedOne Fauci is a science denier!! Whatever suits the narrative. <insert all emojis >
@AwakenedOne He bases his science on Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Is this why Planned Parenthood is in business?
FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate: “Today, the FBI successfully seized criminal proceeds from a Bitcoin wallet."
I thought you could seize bitcoin once used!!
Wake-up people! Digital Currency is a trap!

WASHINGTON – The Department of Justice today announced that it has seized 63.7 bitcoins currently valued at approximately $2.3 million. These funds allegedly represent the proceeds of a May 8, ransom payment…
Breaking911@ZGoldenReport the hackers stored their bitcoin on an exchange file like coinbase and not their own private wallet. So the FBI took legal action against the exchange and seized that way. Must buy a hard wallet or cold storage as a solution
If the FBI can get into your bitcoin wallet then what's point of using bitcoin?
@ZGoldenReport you can’t store crypto’s on the coinbase, etc. need hard wallet.
Ok, why is it when i exposed Trump for being a sellout to the vaccine company i tend to lose several followers!?
I am sorry, does the facts hurt!? Doesn't Operation Warp Speed ring a bell!? What about the ten's of billions of dollars he gave to the vaccine companies!? Seriously people aren't any of you watching his NC rally right now!!
He is seriously promoting the vaccine again right when i am posting this & Trump said Fauci is a great promoter, but yet he never fired him!
Want to start #homegardening to become #selfsufficient? Figure out how much land you need first #homesteading

Starting a home garden takes you one step closer to self-sufficiency. But do you know how much land you need to feed your whole family? If you’re not sure, you must first ask yourself several questions… Really, wow! Bet they are beautiful photos. The Natives really lived with the land, not just on it. Glad you liked it, me too
@Fabulous indeed they did. They were not very trusting of outsiders, so grandfather had to earn their trust. Have you heard of earthing? Sounds weird but it is an amazing healing mechanism.
@Fabulous @slammingdoors Well, I ran BAREFOOT on the farm every summer as a child. Hard work, but My greatest memories were that time. I just absolutely have NO bad memories...I just remember JOY. Even now, going out on my 5 acres in the yard & garden...PEACE just permeates every part of me. I just let the breeze carry away the outside world. I'm only inside when it rains. The cycle seems to be 5 for the rain, 3 for the sun. So, I'm thinking from experience, makes sense!
SO beautiful! This Native American vid just captured my soul. :)
Lower blood pressure with these 10 amazing herbs and spices
@Brighteon perfect to grow in your indoor year round mini farm.
2020 was the biggest psy-op in modern history
@ZGoldenReport it’s at warp speed. Beyond the point of no return. This nation is broke. They have to reset the economy and implement the new technocratic internet of things. Total global connection. Freaks me out. Best to move out to the countryside and even that will be a challenge. Total global surveillance. Don’t want to participate? Then don’t get to eat. Have you watched the ice age farmer? My apologies if I sound like a downer. There is hope. We can & should be filled w/Joy.
@ZGoldenReport boy you ain't kidding.
@ZGoldenReport and we have no idea what they have opened or created at CERN
NEW: FOIA #FauciEmails so far:
- He had some urgent discussions about gain of function.
- Ignored scientist who told him China lied about virus and data.
- Was informed about possible Wuhan lab leak.
- Told on email that retail masks don't work due to size of virus.
@ZGoldenReport JAIL then death penalty
Clay Clark & Dustin Nemos Discuss the #SuicideVaccine Fallout
@Brighteon Lost my brother in law last November to suicide. He was a teacher for 30 years and a basketball coach. He couldn’t find hope amidst a lockdown in California.
@Brighteon So very sad. Many people can't handle being out of work long term, knowing they are losing their homes, cars, everything. I've been there myself... it is painful.
Not all solutions to #anxiety come in a pill bottle - #homeopathy has helped many people overcome anxiety

Do never-ending worries assault you throughout the day and keep you awake at night? If you suffer from anxiety, it can make you feel nervous, restless, angry or sad -- sometimes all at once. It can drive…
www.naturalnews.comCDC needs to just SHUT UP.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has permitted children fully vaccinated against coronavirus to attend youth camps mask-free. The rest must be masked for all indoor activities and…
www.rt.comThe government are the ones conspiring against the people. Not that the people don't need work but because of the lies and the deception their handicapped. This has been going on for a very long time. We have to stop being manipulated by this false authority.
Get out as far as you can and stand....if you can't, stand. Flip the script.
Strength in numbers....unity.
@Kat613 yep. Fight back. Wear them down. It was they who called us to war.
#Aliens might have already arrived on Earth via #UFOs, former Pentagon official suggests

The UFOs that military members spotted in restricted American airspace could be alien technology, according to Christopher Mellon, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence under former…