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Best collection of video clips on COVID.
We take long interviews, discussions and documentaries and break them into shorter video clips. The result is a carefully curated catalog that can be utilized as a resource for all. We believe that this is an absolute essential service because these shorter clips: 1) Get straight to the point. 2) Are more likely to be watched and shared. 3) Highlight critical points which otherwise would’ve been obscured within their original, longer format.
Best collection of video clips on COVID.
We take long interviews, discussions and documentaries and break them into shorter video clips. The result is a carefully curated catalog that can be utilized as a resource for all. We believe that this is an absolute essential service because these shorter clips: 1) Get straight to the point. 2) Are more likely to be watched and shared. 3) Highlight critical points which otherwise would’ve been obscured within their original, longer format.
Since the COVID Vaccine Athletes Are Collapsing From Sudden Cardiac Arrest at Unprecedented Levels
The CDC says that every child six months and older should get the COVID vaccine. But the COVID vaccine for children is distributed under EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) which means much shorter trial times (8 weeks instead of the usual 5 to 10 years) and, therefore, zero data on potential long-term adverse effects like cancer, impairment to fertility, genetic damage, etc. The CDC will argue these potential risks are necessary because there is a health emergency that will be addressed with the vaccine. But is there really a health emergency for children? Continue reading at
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10+ early COVID treatment protocols, developed by board-certified medical doctors, proven safe and effective, thousands of lives saved, countless hospitalizations prevented, supported by data and studies, inexpensive and readily available... IGNORED by the medical establishment including the WHO, CDC, NIH, FDA and AMA. Find the protocols at
13,850 views in 48 hours!
It Is Now Biologically Plausible That The COVID Vaccines Are Causing Organ Damage and Death - Dr. Peter McCullough
Data Shows COVID Vaccines Are Actually Accelerating Infection and Transmission!
What Do I Do If I Was Injured by the COVID Vaccine?
This is NOT evidence of vaccine injury. This is evidence of vaccine injury COVER-UP. Doctors and health officials are refusing to suspect, or even mention, the vaccine. And in some cases they declare within MINUTES or hours of the adverse event that it's not the cause of injury or death. But no autopsy, evidence or science to support such a claim!! Find more evidence at
@thebiglogic OMG these people are evil! They are supposed to look for blood clots, the fakeccine kills people using blood clots.
This is NOT evidence of vaccine injury. This is evidence of vaccine injury COVER-UP. Doctors and health officials are refusing to suspect or even mention the vaccine. And in some cases they declare it as not the cause of injury or death, within minutes or hours of the adverse event. No autopsy, no evidence, and no science to support such a claim. Find more evidence at
This is NOT evidence of vaccine injury. This is evidence of vaccine injury COVER-UP. Doctors and health officials are refusing to suspect or even mention the vaccine. And in some cases they declare it as not the cause of injury or death, within minutes or hours of the adverse event. No autopsy, no evidence, and no science to support such a claim. Find more evidence at
The CDC Propagated Incorrect Science About Natural Immunity
Share this with anyone who thinks the CDC is trustworthy...