Knowledge is power! The truth shall set you free.
Interests: truth seeking & research, spirituality, herbalism, gardening, keto cooking/baking, hiking, camping, canoeing, thrifting, living, loving...
“I really want to keep my job, I won’t quit, I will have to be fired.”
She refused to be vaccinated because she believed everyone had a right to choose and said the Government mandate was morally wrong.
Mortimer was “beyond devastated” at the thought of no longer teaching.
A mother of three children, she was the sole wage earner in her family but would “rather be on the breadline than go back on my principles”.

A school teacher of 15 years says she will refuse to get the Covid-19 vaccination.
www.stuff.co.nz@truthnfreedomseeker in my country it's forbidden to fire people because they don't want to get the vaccine but they find another reason to fire people. I was fired from two jobs for not having the vaccine, however they didn't tell me I went because of it. now I've created my job and I'm in charge.
@truthnfreedomseeker Brave and steadfast