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Will always be a writer and teacher at heart. I've worked as a communications director, school administrator, teacher, writer, and in construction. "It seemed fitting for me, after carefully investigating everything from the beginning, to write for you an orderly account." (Luke 1:3) "Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." (attributed to Abraham Lincoln)
Will always be a writer and teacher at heart. I've worked as a communications director, school administrator, teacher, writer, and in construction. "It seemed fitting for me, after carefully investigating everything from the beginning, to write for you an orderly account." (Luke 1:3) "Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." (attributed to Abraham Lincoln)
DECK THE HALLS - It's no longer "too early" to enjoy the Christmas decorations, lights, and music. Ten days to go. Have a blessed Christmas season
ACCURACY IN REPORTING - If members of today’s media were more conscientious, and if they did trustworthy work, this biblical passage could be their guide: “It seemed fitting for me, after carefully investigating everything from the beginning, to write for you an orderly account…” (Luke 1:3)
QUOTE FOR THE DAY - "A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both." (Dwight D. Eisenhower, in his inaugural address in January of 1953).
IT’S TRUE - “…modern journalists … have abandoned the traditional role of a reporter for that of social activist …” (Mark Levin, in American Marxism) More insight:
FROM JOHN CALVIN - “… let us invoke the help of God, and attempt nothing without trusting in Him, since it is His alone to supply counsel, and strength, and courage…” (Insights that are more than 500 years old may still have great value today).
JOHN CALVIN (1509-1564) - “We must be faithful, and stand fast in our liberty; we must follow the rule which is given us in the Word of God, and not suffer our souls to be brought into slavery by new laws, forged by men.” (Photo scene: Switzerland, the country where Calvin spent most of his adult life in Christian ministry).
NOT OBJECTIVE - Is it really a voting restriction bill? Or is it an election integrity bill? Or should we call it a bill that revises election procedures? The media is not objective, and we can tell simply by the words they use in a headline
@medicinalwithprinciple Dale Carnegie's book is awesome reading!
HISTORY - On May 5, 1787 James Madison arrived in Philadelphia prepared for what would be known as the Constitutional Convention. His work earned him the right to be remembered in history as the Father of the Constitution. His intention, along with those of the other delegates, was that the United States have a strong but limited government. He later wrote in the Federalist Papers that having all the power in the hands of one faction "may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny."
SALUTING EDUCATORS - The best teachers believe strongly that they are preparing the next generation, and in addition, the best teachers never stop being students themselves. There and many good teachers out there, but the field of education needs more people who will take a conservative, common-sense approach.
TODAY'S MEDIA - We're not getting the truth.
"Democracy without a moral compass is terrifying." (Pastor Tom Nelson of Denton Bible Church, Denton, Texas)
LESSONS FROM TODAY - 1. Best not to comment on social media while emotion levels are running high. 2. Don't assume that the media is giving it to you straight. 3. Don't be quick to point fingers if those providing the information aren't giving it to you straight. 4. America needs our prayers. Every day. Not just today.
INSIGHTS FOR TODAY - "... in America the very government that we are obligated to pray for and submit to has a philosophical foundation that allows for intense scrutiny of officials..." Did you see my recent article?
HOW DO WE RESPOND? The arrogant few who casually dismiss the heartfelt concerns of millions are unwittingly adding fire to an already simmering cauldron. Hope you can read my article
STABILITY - “If you attach your rejoicing to your circumstances it will come and go. If you attach your rejoicing to the Lord it will remain the same because He never changes nor does his relationship to you ever change. So you learn to rejoice in the privileged union you have with Christ which transcends circumstances" (Dr. John MacArthur, Jr.)