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The Great Commission
…17When they saw Him, they worshiped Him, but some doubted. 18Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,…
Matthew 28
I Live in NYS.
I support ALL truckers
who are brave and courageous, willing to STOP ALL SHIPMENTS FOR 3 YRS TO NYC!!!
Just imagine if Texas joined Brics!
I'll bet Biden would fill his diaper.
Do you think we could get Abbott to do it?
Maybe that's why he's in India!
I like it!
This next side show
Will be a doozy.
Jan6/Texas 2.0
Please join us in praying for our political prisoners and their families.
Hebrews 13:3 "Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them in adversity as being yourselves also in the body."
Day 4:6
Mattice, Cody
Mault, James -Army
Maurer, Christopher
Mazza, Mark
McAbee, Ronald
McCaughey, Patrick
McGrew, James -Marines
McHugh, Sean
McKellop, Jeffrey -Army
McNamara, James
Meggs, Connie
Meggs, Kelly
Mehaffie, David
Mele, Ron. -Air Force
Mellis, Jonathan
Miller, Matthew Ryan
Milstreed, Rodney -Army.????
Mink, Jorden
Minuta, Roberto
Mitchell, Landon
Moerschel, David
Morrison, Katharine Hallock
Morss, Robert -Army Ranger
Moynihan, Christopher
Munafo, Jonathan
Nassif, John
Neefe, Marshall
Neely, Darrell
Nichols, Ryan -Marines
Niemela, Kirstyn
Nix, Gregory
Nordean, Ethan
Ochs, Nicholas
Owens, Grady Douglas
Owens, Jared
Owens, Jason
Padilla, Joseph - Army
Palmer, Robert Scott
Please join us in praying for our political prisoners and their families.
Hebrews 13:3 "Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them that suffer adversity as being yourselves also in the body."
Day 3:6
Hamner, Thomas
Harrelson, Kenneth
Harris, Johnny
Harris, Richard
Haynes, Joshua Dillon
Hazard, Donald
Head, Albuquerque
Hernandez, Andrew Alan
Hernandez, Joshua
Herrera, Erik
Hopkins, Kasey
Hughes, Jerod
Hughes, Joshua Calvin
Jackson, Brian
Jenkins, Shane
Jensen, Douglas Austin
Jersey, Justin
Johnson, Joshua
Judd, David
Kelly, Kash Lee
Kelly, Leo
Kenyon, Josiah
Khater, Julian Elie
Krol, Matthew
Lang, Edward Jacob
Languerand, Nicholas
Leyden, Daniel
Leyden, Joseph
Lints, Luke
Lollar, Joshua
Lyons, Kevin
MacAndrew, Deanean
Maly, Markus
Manley, Christian
Mares, Mario (Released on bonds)
Tried that! Served on local town board past 4 yrs.
These people dont have a clue how Constitutional gov. Is run.
And dont want to learn. Just keep making more rules codes and put greater burden on the town folk.
No one listens to me either!
Situation Update, Feb 22, 2023 - Pandemics, Famine and War - #Globalists are AT WAR with humanity - Feat. Michael Yon
I live 166 miles from E. Palestine. Up lake Erie.
Should I be concerned?
Brilliant! She is Alive, absent from this tabernacle! "Ourself" is Free to be with Jesus! Are You Going to Heaven? Do you hear God's Holy Peace Giving Voice, that brings peace to your soul? Do you live by his Holy Spirit? Do you obey the Holy Spirit leading?
I do not know, she trusted President Trump.
Call Nancy
Who is seeing
Capitol police for Ashley Babbitt s death?
Remember the real victim of the January 6th fake insurrection Ashely Babbitt
Ohhhh king warp speed death by injection!
What are you smoking?