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- Healer
- Conspirical Herbs
I'm THE eRBALIST, the only herbalist that believes in knowing what I'm offering by finding out which of the 92 elements are most prodoninent in each herb by sending them to labs. Dr Sebis cure all is potassium to cleanse, iron to activate,& thirdly the lacking mineral, all administered in natural plants form as teas while fasting until cured.
- Healer
- Conspirical Herbs
I'm THE eRBALIST, the only herbalist that believes in knowing what I'm offering by finding out which of the 92 elements are most prodoninent in each herb by sending them to labs. Dr Sebis cure all is potassium to cleanse, iron to activate,& thirdly the lacking mineral, all administered in natural plants form as teas while fasting until cured.
@RobW there might be an alternative motive, since he can obviously just flat out steal the election without rigging it at all. There's a good chance that he's not even the president right now, just showing off they're power of sheeple herding thru false info. Simply showing off just like how Obama wanted to see if we'd elect someone that wasn't even born here.
Yeah, guess what. It's not that docs don't want to help when it comes to health, they're primarily good hearted people. Instead, it's that the medical association who creates the books that these doctors learn from, have left reality out of them. Docs know nothing about what's organic or inorganic, about what's food or not.Our cells can't use what's inorganic, those minerals r poison instead of food. For instance, the iron florien concentrates that I offer, it's organic iron that u can't overdose on. Each bottle has over 100 of docs iron pills worth of iron in them, which I have people drinking daily. It cures everything. But if you take more then 2 of docs iron pills a day, you'll get heavy metals poisonings & even bind up. There's 2 forms of every mineral on the planet, the rock form or the plant form. Organic or inorganic. Docs look for & offer the wrong iron. It's not rocket science
It was shown by a master herbalist in the late 80s & 90s that every disease or ailment known to mankind could be cured by using an alkaline diet or even faster by the usage of alkaline herbs. & he sped up hesling even faster then that by using certain herbs for certain problems, by linking the herbs main minerals with the bodies particular lacking minerals that caused the problem. He found out what each herb was made of element wise by sending the herbs to laboratories. So our beloved government hid this man's life's work, discredited him by hiding his lectures& by changing our understanding of science itself to make him sound senseless, they lied about pH& went forward with covering the earth in acid rain, the changed his alkaline foods list into acids, they switched the identities of herbs he pointed out, took over his businesses & killed him. His name is SEBI, & I alone know his math
@timomalum the toon snuck in anti vaxor right above trust the science. Which 1is it? Trust the science so take the vax, or don't? How about the science of an herbalist. Ur bodies intakes defense system is ur stomach acids, strong enough to desolve metals. Needles bypass this defense.
@COSMOSUNIVERSE girls, women, females, it's a chromosome thing actually. One gender will have x chromosomes while the other will have x y chromosomes. You can cut off ones turd, hormone him up until he grows chesticles, implate an apple bottom bum, botox his lips, but in the end you still haven't changed the gender at all cause the chromosomes will still be the same as they were before. When a scientist observes IT, the he-she, the results will still be the same as IT was born as. If a guy wants to identify as a girl, that's fine. But he's not.
@holistic his face is screaming intelligent, lol. Just kidding. Actually, when a brain is under developed, what do you think the other side of that brain looks like? The face side. Developed? We see it in our down sindromed loved ones. Yes they're heads are usually swollen from the contamination of inflammations that prevents electricity from reaching the brain cells, stopping clear thought from happening. Just look at that dome piece, his head is huge. But the inflammation also stops minerals from reaching places that are needed to develope both the brain and face sides of that area. The dumb look on ones face usually also means that person is actually not all there. He trusts the science means that he don't know the science, instead he just blindly trusts it. So that means to follow his lead is like the blind leading the blind.
Energy is electricity. A pH of above 7.0 is electrical. Your sappossed to get energy from your food and water, not your fix like a crack head every four hours. My water is so energizing that you'd be flexing your muscles if you drank enough, even your face and jaw muscles. That's not hunger you feel when ready to eat, that's withdrawals from not having your chemicals and starches. Starch is acid which we are addicted to, it's in ALL unatural plants and in no natural plants. Maple trees have no starch, neither does pines, mole berries, paw paws, ramps, wild yams, 0 natural plants have starch. But cultivate a plant thru other means then seeds and it becomes carbonic acid. Starch, & very addictive. We're also addicted to meats. Urik acids. When lions kill prey they hurry up to lick the scratches like fiening addicts. Your addicted to our fix we call food, not hungry.
They want you sick, to profit off of you, control you , they hide cures and poison you , and teach you to love it. Are you ready to change? Most aren't
If you Google burdock , they'll try to sell you it's worthless roots, for iron, to cleanse & strengthen the blood, which would reverse just about every disease you could have IF IT WORKED!!!! Isn't it so cool though, that the root is the only part of that plant that DOESN'T taste like iron. The whole rest of that plant tastes just like metal, no lie. Here's a picture of the worlds best herbalist, that cured every disease known to man.
Conspiricle herbs, are herbs that cure diseases so they were hidden from you by your trustworthy loving govs, it feels good to be left for dead, I mean loved. Lol
Some people might think that drinking bitter tasting plant based iron teas that cleanse & remineralize the body while changing to a new diet is extreme. And others like I, think that having operations, taking needles, swallowing chemicals and or oxides(rocks) that docs offer is extreme. Triple bypass surgery, kidney stones sonnar blasts or operations, Kemo ?????!!!
Ask questions here so others can read my answers. Even if you rather go with the years of medicine that costs thousands over trying a 40 day herbal regiment for $300, at least others can decide what's extreme to them by reading our conversation in the comments section. If your suffering I'm sure you have concerns, let's talk.
Look, I know that with all that's going on out there I only seem to talk about one thing, health. That's because it's what I feels important, after growing up in NY where we have more sick people then most cities have people & my jive seems to all be about Dr.Sebis teachings of health. But you must understand, I'm from a place where I was privileged with the insight on healing people's diseases as Dr SEBI being the guy that was doing it. The gov needed to make absolutely sure that once they killed him, that not one soul would be able to figure curing out the way SEBI did ever again. Half of the population either never heard of him or just didn't believe him, & the other half became the govs target of misinformation. This half was either the Dr.Sebi community, herbalists & scientists. They erased 95%of his teachings, scrambled the herbs, &changed science. But I'm still here. Sick?
Dr.Sebi, the herbalist that cured all diseases with alkaline herbs for 50 years straight that cured many famous people too, who the gov discredits and hides from you, he also put out an alkaline foods list of only natural plants found in stores. Although the gov made sure that nun of it's still alkaline, it's still a list of the least harmful foods in the stores. By following it you'll loose weight even while eating many lbs of it per day. But, if you simply go by the list you'll find it hard to follow because you won't know how to make substitutes of your favorite dishes from this list unless taught by a SEBI advocate like myself. Ty's Conscious Kitchen on you tube teaches how to cook from it from meals to sweets, and I'm gonna post my toks on here as well. If you grow your own foods from heirloom seeds then these recipes is how you'll get delicious alkaline dishes. Enjoy
Dr.Sebi, the herbalist that cured all diseases with alkaline herbs for 50 years straight that cured many famous people too, who the gov discredits and hides from you, he also put out an alkaline foods list of only natural plants found in stores. Although the gov made sure that nun of it's still alkaline, it's still a list of the least harmful foods in the stores. By following it you'll loose weight even while eating many lbs of it per day. But, if you simply go by the list you'll find it hard to follow because you won't know how to make substitutes of your favorite dishes from this list unless taught by a SEBI advocate like myself. Ty's Conscious Kitchen on you tube teaches how to cook from it from meals to sweets, and I'm gonna post my toks on here as well. If you grow your own foods from heirloom seeds then these recipes is how you'll get delicious alkaline dishes. Enjoy
Dr.Sebi, the herbalist that cured all diseases with alkaline herbs for 50 years straight that cured many famous people too, who the gov discredits and hides from you, he also put out an alkaline foods list of only natural plants found in stores. Although the gov made sure that nun of it's still alkaline, it's still a list of the least harmful foods in the stores. By following it you'll loose weight even while eating many lbs of it per day. But, if you simply go by the list you'll find it hard to follow because you won't know how to make substitutes of your favorite dishes from this list unless taught by a SEBI advocate like myself. Ty's Conscious Kitchen on you tube teaches how to cook from it from meals to sweets, and I'm gonna post my toks on here as well. If you grow your own foods from heirloom seeds then these recipes is how you'll get delicious alkaline dishes. Enjoy
Dr.Sebi, the herbalist that cured all diseases with alkaline herbs for 50 years straight that cured many famous people too, who the gov discredits and hides from you, he also put out an alkaline foods list of only natural plants found in stores. Although the gov made sure that nun of it's still alkaline, it's still a list of the least harmful foods in the stores. By following it you'll loose weight even while eating many lbs of it per day. But, if you simply go by the list you'll find it hard to follow because you won't know how to make substitutes of your favorite dishes from this list unless taught by a SEBI advocate like myself. Ty's Conscious Kitchen on you tube teaches how to cook from it from meals to sweets, and I'm gonna post my toks on here as well. If you grow your own foods from heirloom seeds then these recipes is how you'll get delicious alkaline dishes. Enjoy
Cast iron cook wear distributes heat evenly and adds flavor to your cooking the more you use them. But when you buy them pretreated, your eating whatever chemical or unnatural oil they used on them. Strip they're treatment off of them with either electrolysis or oven cleaner , cleanse well, then treat them yourself with your choice of Dr.Sebi approved oils. I used grape seed oil. There's how to's on oiling cast iron pans on you tube. Eat healthy, but cook healthy too.