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AZ Desert Dweller
Alternative Medicine Mama &
Bill of Rights Lover
AZ Desert Dweller
Alternative Medicine Mama &
Bill of Rights Lover
Whistleblowers name your price.
Do you personally know anyone, If so let them know, convince them, support them, help the world fight against the bullshit.. Whistleblowers name your price.
@everydaycarry wow i love that guy
How do you get in contact with Mike Adams? What's his email? I have a couple prepper questions for him, but I never know how to contact him. Please help!
The new apple phone I have has 5G even though I was told that I wasn’t going to get 5G w/out a new sim card. I notice with 5G both my body & head heats up occasionally when using either headphones or the phone against the ear. Even when using a desktop PC w/high frequency 3.8 ghz, my body heats up -- I have to take a break for three hours. I also notice that since I’ve been holding the phone in right back pocket, I’ve been having problems with my right hip – the phone is on all the time.
How can being broke effect my mental health this bad? My depression keeps me from keeping a steady job and then I can't afford a snow cone for my kids. My heart was ripped into pieces today because I can't provide.. I can't take much more. Blah blah blah who really cares.
Japan suspends use of Moderna injections after “metallic particles” found in vials; country continues using Ivermectin to treat COVID-19

Moderna and big pharma must up their damage control after Japan suspended Moderna and continues using Ivermectin.
The COVID Blog@Toni Great News!!!!!
WATCH – Dr. Fauci explains why wearing a mask during a pandemic is not effective –
Watch "My Reply to Biden's Proposed Vaccine Mandate: Will It Be the "Shot" Heard 'Round The World?" on YouTube
well said
Thank God for all the patriots in this country praying for you all every day Thank you for all you do be and are
Jack Posobiec~
I told you this morning Biden was going to drop a massive hammer on unvaxxed Americans in order to change the conversation from his Afghanistan debacle
This White House is making decrees based on opinion polls, not science.
Do NOT get on the bus to the quarantine camp. Do NOT get on the boat to the quarantine camp. Do NOT get on the plane to the quarantine camp. Do NOT go to the quarantine camp. ~ CodeMonkeyZ

“Do NOT get on the bus to the quarantine camp. Do NOT get on the boat to the quarantine camp. Do NOT get on the plane to the quarantine camp. Do NOT go to the quarantine camp. CMZ”
TwitterI don't know what to think..... sometimes this video sounds a bit exagerated?

Thanks to Janet Ossebaard for the creation of this film please extend your support here is her website #WWG1WGA #GodWins
www.bitchute.comI have become a firm believer in Prayer and in NAC. I started my husband on 1000 mg daily just 8 days ago and he has already shown significant improvement. I told him it’s to help him be healthier and left out anything about detoxing the vaccine. I don’t believe this Covid vaccine will be a death shot for everyone. There are too many things being discovered to help the people who were vaccinated. God can heal all wounds. There is hope. Praying for all who have a vaccinated loved one.
While You Were Sleeping:
'ISAREL TONIGHT: Thousands tonight in Tel Aviv on the promenade of Tel Aviv.
Sept 2021 Credit: @efenigson.
Amazing Miracle Healing Adventure, Paralysis Crushed!!!-Tom Loud