Christian Anglo Israelite. Word Studies. Presentations. Slideshows. History.
Exposing 'church' doctrine and Mystery Babylon.
Greetings my Israelite kith and kin.
We have covered Genesis thru Revelation in our Word Study on “Separate & Segregated”, and you should plainly see that our God demanded RACIAL SEGREGATION in THE OLD Covenant and THROUGHOUT THE NEW COVENANT, and UNTO THE END OF THIS AGE, and INTO THE KINGDOM AGE. For our God changes not, and we are a holy (set-apart) people.
From Genesis to Revelation we saw All the EVIDENCE that the Bible teaches to 'be ye separate', not 'be ye mingled'.
But if you don't understand who is who in Scripture, then you just won't see how racial integration is a JUDGMENT.
It's not hard to see how EVERY Empire and Country's Problems Begin with Integration of Aliens and Mamzers. Just look at how well America and all the White nations are doing because of it.
In this Episode: A word from other preachers who taught the Truth way before me. Articles by Comparet 'God's Immigration Laws'/'Yahweh Commands Racial Segregation', Wesley Swift notes, Emry sermon clip.
I CHALLENGE anyone to show me any verse, covenant, prophecy, promise, or statement, that our God included the other races into the exclusive covenants and promises that He made with we Israelites. Old OR New Testament.
Follow along: https://www.ageoflaodicea.com/separate-and-segregated-2/
Audio: PT 12 https://archive.org/download/separate-and-segregated/SEPARATE%20AND%20SEGREGATED%20Pt%2012.mp3