Christian Anglo Israelite. Word Studies. Presentations. Slideshows. History.
Exposing 'church' doctrine and Mystery Babylon.
Greetings my Israelite kith and kin.
We have covered Genesis thru Revelation in our Word Study on “Separate & Segregated”, and we saw straight from God's Word that our Almighty Father demands RACIAL SEGREGATION in THE OLD Covenant and THROUGHOUT THE NEW COVENANT, and INTO THE KINGDOM AGE.
The 'churches' along with the ungodly World System do not agree with God's Word.
“All, Every, and Whosoever” in Scripture does NOT mean 'all and sundry, every race and everyone, and whosoever of anyone'.
“All, Every, and Whosoever” are of those who are the subject of the CONTEXT, and to NO ONE ELSE outside of each CONTEXT.
In the last episode we read Col. Jack Mohr's article 'Race Mixing A Social and Spiritual Disaster', and you should now see how multiculturalism does not work, never has, and never will.
Now that we've shown through God's Word what He expects of us, the question raised is inevitably 'What About the Other Races?'. This EPISODE will provide the Biblical answers.
Follow along: https://www.ageoflaodicea.com/separate-and-segregated-2/
Audio: Part 14 https://archive.org/download/separate-and-segregated/SEPARATE%20AND%20SEGREGATED%20Pt%2014.mp3