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Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I have a son soon to be off to college. I have two Australian Shepherds and a cat. Cooking is like meditation and mental health for me and a big way of how I share my love.
Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I have a son soon to be off to college. I have two Australian Shepherds and a cat. Cooking is like meditation and mental health for me and a big way of how I share my love.
Prepping vegetables for dinner. This is so easy and very little clean up. Mix vegetables with olive oil and salt in a baggie then bake in oven on a foil lined pan at 400 degrees for 20 minutes.
Making a smoothie for my son. Notice that I use the blender attachments on a regular pint Mason jar (much less clean up!!!). This smoothie has Frozen strawberries, frozen cranberries and frozen kumquats out of my garden. It also has some protein powder and almond milk. I stopped the video early because I needed a bit more milk for it to blend.
Making a smoothie for my son. Notice that I use the blender attachments on a regular pint Mason jar (much less clean up!!!). This smoothie has Frozen strawberries, frozen cranberries and frozen kumquats out of my garden. It also has some protein powder and almond milk. I stopped the video early because I needed a bit more milk for it to blend.
Aloe vera is my favorite healer. Here I cut the flesh from the skin then eat the flesh. It works wonders on Barrett's esophagus (really bad acid reflux).
I rub the fleshy part of the skin on my face instead of toxic wrinkle cream followed with coconut oil or some of the Ranger Store's oxygen-infused jojoba body oil. Aloe vera can make your skin itch for a bit but that is just the aloe vera working.