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Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I have a son soon to be off to college. I have two Australian Shepherds and a cat. Cooking is like meditation and mental health for me and a big way of how I share my love.
Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I have a son soon to be off to college. I have two Australian Shepherds and a cat. Cooking is like meditation and mental health for me and a big way of how I share my love.
Tip for future reference: Gold is good to own. As soon as I get some money, I'm going to buy some.
Silver is good too.

Quercetin is a flavonoid and plant pigment found in brightly-colored fruits and veggies. Many studies continue to prove its ability to help prevent heart disease and promote cardiovascular health. Extensive…
This article didn't mention that quercetin is found most abundantly in capers. I love capers and noticed it highly regarded in a previous article from Natural News.
Speaking at the Uvalde City Council meeting to hold the city leaders accountable for their mistakes
Well said Alex Stein 99.
Did he explain how two different women claimed the same child??
Thanks to globalism and democrat-run cities, you will soon not only EAT BUGS and be pushed into CANNIBALISM to survive, you will also DRINK recycled urine and diarrhea in cities like Los Angeles, which is rolling out a new toilet-to-tap water re-use program.
So basically you'll be drinking the same water that others have flushed down the toilet, with all the liberal goodies that come with it.
I guess the leaders of Los Angeles looked at the city of San Franshitsco and saw all the feces running down the sidewalks and realized, "Hey, we could be DRINKING that!"
Yum, yum! Democrats love to eat human flesh and drink from human feces... while murdering human babies.

As part of a new water conservation plan, the city of Los Angeles and numerous other water districts throughout Southern California are proposing recycling sewer water back through people's taps. That…
Well stated.
@HealthRanger I don’t this Grandpa knew this kid at all. He wasn’t even sure how old he was. And what the heck is he doing with a plate in his hand while being interviewed?

The Alternative to the “Authoritarian New Normal”: Localization and Local Futures by Colin Todhunter, Centre for Research on Globalization (Global Research) April 29, 2022 ‘World Localization Day’ will…
Truth Comes to Light@truthcomestolight
Great article.
Freeze your beans for 4 hours to kill any bugs or larva before putting them up.
I have been sprinkling diatomaceous earth on them instead. I wonder if my way works as well...
@Independent I like D Earth (its rapper name)!
What do you bet that causes hemorrhoidal hemorrhaging!
New podcast (14 min) Get your body ready for the NEXT BIOWEAPON to be released
- The next one will be even more aggressive and deadly, most likely
- Right now we all have an opportunity to get healthier and more prepared
- Work to eliminate "pre-existing conditions" such as high blood pressure, etc.
I loved the video. I use dandelion every time that I get a headache because it works!
Spring Cleaning the non-toxic way!

it is important to stay grounded, take care of ourselves, get off the computer for a while, get connected with ourselves, and be organized.
Organic Healthy Life - Nancy Addison - Nutrition@Nancyalisa
Great article. I use one cup each of cheap white vinegar and distilled water with a tablespoon of castile soap (Health Ranger has a great cleaning concentrate) to clean my countertops and such.
I will be bathing my dogs today with 1/2 castile soap and 1/2 water mixed with bentonite clay and activated charcoal to deal with their skin issues followed with a final rinse of 3 tablespoons of borax dissolved in 2 cups of water and then 1 cup hydrogen peroxide.
Did you know that #mustardgreens are full of #antioxidants like #vitaminC?

Mustard greens are nutritious leafy greens with a peppery kick and they come from the mustard plant (Brassica juncea). Mustard greens are also called brown mustard, Chinese mustard, Indian mustard and vegetable… this is from my "Joy of Cooking" book from 1997 (unfortunately I gave away my older versions of this cookbook that had some great recipes of past eras).
#J&J reached settlement with #WestVirginia over its role in the #opioidcrisis there

Big Pharma giant Johnson & Johnson paid out a settlement amounting to almost $100 million to the state of West Virginia for its role in the opioid crisis. J&J shelled out $99 million to settle a lawsuit…
But will the people that have been so damaged by the addictions actually receive the help they need to overcome the opioid addiction?
After watching Tucker Carlson last night it doesn't seem so much like a conspiracy theory but an actual conspiracy.
Arab migrant teen messing with Italian women in Italy until.....
Glad he got a pushback.
Law & order ..........
@Bereonb2020 wonder what blue city that is. It is ashame that nobody helped the officer.
The Consumer Is Starting To Fail, Increasing Recession Risk
Too bad our government doesn't have a debt saturation level at some point to end their carefree spending.
I love my mortar and pestle! I am preparing a marinade for pork tenderloins for #dinnertonight. I rarely follow a recipe. So with that in mind, the following is my marinade for the pork.
1/2 teaspoon each of ginger, cumin, star anise, mustard seed, salt, dash or two of cayenne pepper, 1 tablespoon honey and 3 tablespoons dry sherry. Grind the dry herbs and spices then mix with wet ingredients and rub on pork tenderloin. Let it rest in the refrigerator for 6 to 24 hours, rotating on occasion.
Btw, I am only preparing about one pound of pork. I am only cooking for me and my son. We will have enough leftover to add to our eggs in the morning or thinly sliced for a lunchtime sandwich.
I prefer not to take advice from Will Smith.