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@arjayem @Freedomisalive ANY legal win against ANY "Big Tech", IS a WIN for ALL! How is that not clear?
Just goes to show... you can corrupt about anything!!! What would Mozart think? LOL! (Still sounds damned good from my perspective however!)
Joe Biddens first wife results of running a Stop sign or a red light... (I learned to drive in a 72 Chevy Kingswood wagon with the same make and engine size that Bidden's wife was killed in. That was the largest Wagon that Chevy made in the 70's era!) Joe Bidden said at least twice on recordings, the the truck driver who hit and killed the wife and baby daughter, "Drank His Lunch". The Truck Driver was NOT charged for the crash OR anything else!!!
Must be the FOOL MOON! LOL! I also liked this old "The Cramps" song. I also had sent it to a crazy ex gal. Funny, it ALSO can be substituted to my current feelings of the Democratic Party! (Especially Joe Blow Bone Head Biden... It always bothered me he said at least twice the Truck Driver who hit is wife, "Drank his Lunch". Biden's gal RAN a RED Light or Stop Sign... I can not remember, but she was at fault! She had the killed daughter in her LAP! NOT in a child seat)
Funny, I always liked this song... it had me feeling better about a crazy ex gal of mine... now... it reminds me of the Democratic Party's down hill situation? You all decide! It's a fun song! (Beat those stings! LOL!)
@TwistedEagle Seems I read a similar story a few years back. In that story, the government stole the GOLD in the night, and said later they found nothing... How old is this latest story? There was even a video story if the one I remember...
@arjayem @ShellyWelly Funny you state that part about helping everything and everyone! LOL! I also just decided this morning that, starting today, I come FIRST! I had also just read that, "Pain comes standard, but suffering is optional", or something like that. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I'm actually pissed about feeling so bad much of the time! Now, it's my time and damned the circumstances, I will just laugh at the crap that does not work and keep trying till something does.
@DiamondTNT @jrconnolly That's what wood stoves and all the fire wood I could burn the rest of my life are for! LOL! I'll never have to be cold as long as I can still cut and carry in the wood! I'm hoping things don't get as bad as many people say. I guess we will keep watching and see how things go. We do the best we can. You all hang in there!
@mhoran1158 This will not play? Did it get taken down already?
@jrconnolly @Dgmbjj @PatBlack Howdy you all! It's the set time for our visit! Nobody seems to be here? What's up? I was looking forward to sharing ideas with you all! I'll wait a few more minutes, than get on with my weekend. You all take care.
@jrconnolly Howdy ya all! Started? It's just 10:00 a.m. about now. I'm on, but nobody seems to be here?
@jrconnolly @Dgmbjj @PatBlack Got it! Talk with ya all in about 12 hours! Take care, "hold the fort".
I was thinking... LOL! To any and all who read my stuff, I may act like I know what I am doing. I do not... yet! LOL! I can not "prove" most of the things I am working on... yet! I HAVE gotten far along enough to see around the next corner" somewhat and it's nothing short of AMAZING!!! BUT... I can not prove anything new... yet! Years ago, I decided to put in "neutral" everything I was told or learned. I started over with a new mindset of finding MY TRUTH. My truth, may NOT be yours. LOVE YA!
Well this was very interesting. Last night I listened to this Kryon channel and it touched on DOZENS of things people have been talking about, including me, on this forum! Do you want to know what happens on your last breath, but before the next that does not come? Do pets reincarnate? Do pets and human "Spirits" interact, like in some Hindu beliefs? WHY are we all doing this Earth thing in the first place? Do humans reincarnate? Believe what makes sense, leave the rest?
Howdy, Howdy Everyone! I guess I still have struggles using this site? Things don't go where I think they should on my replies and what not? If I have not got back to some of you, it's not that I have not tried, just this site is acting up, always has for me.. LOL! I'm not being rude, I do try and get back to those who reply to me, but I see my stuff in the oddest of places and other times, I can't even write a reply. I do keep trying however. Seems this site could be built more user friendly.
I guess I should have done these two posting in reverse? LOL! Chriss Isaak is below this one somewhere. This is a new Russian teenage singer who has a amazing range in her voice! She also has some really high self confidence, and just focuses on her own talents. It's nice to see others interpret things from the past and give their own impressions! What do you all think? Chriss Isaak is now about 64 years old! This young teenage singer is about two generations younger!

Второй полуфинал невероятного шоу "Ты супер!".Смотрите новый выпуск проекта и голосуйте за участников на сайтетысупер#ТыСупер #новыйсезон #су...
youtu.beI was thinking... You never know what or how others will interpret your past actions, especially those from your heart. Take Chris Isaak for example. Over 30 years ago he wrote and sang a song about heart break. I was going through such a thing myself, so naturally I loved the song "Wicked Game"! I bought the CD and I still have and play it regularly. It was a top hit for Chris Isaak. A few months back a teenager in Russia sings this song. listen to both, who is "Right"?
Also last night, I came across this very serious Navy Lady! She also channels in her own very clear and precise way. I am amazed how tens of thousands of people are able to do this channeling. I can not and I have tried. I study this stuff for more answers to my own truth and search for puzzle pieces to my own puzzle. (Unification Theory of our Universe where ONE math clearly figures ALL things!) We all are on our own journeys. I keep a very open mind, as to figuring.

Yes, you can connect with the spiritual masters! Evidential medium, Suzanne Giesemann asked her teachers in spirit how best to connect with the higher realm...
youtu.beI just came across this channel by Kryon last night and it seemed very relevant to some of the things people on Brighteon are debating. What is very clear to me is "Truth" is variable and varies depending on who is looking at it from their own "lens". I also believe their are degrees of being wrong! I can not prove truth is variable, but no one can prove it is not! I have "evolved" to realizing no one of us get's ALL the answers or Truth. Listen and see what I mean.
I was thinking, a while back on this forum, I made a comment how I liked how someone was using "numbers" to indicate potential further messages. (Q and Trump stuff as I recall). Someone else, stated that "numbers" (and presumably astrology) are not "supported" by the Bible and may even be Demonic. Yet, I pull out a older book I have by "Evangelist Ed. F. Vallowe", who wrote "Biblical Mathematics"... "Keys to Scripture Numerics... How to Count the Bible"! (It's ALL about numbers!) LOL!