I guess I should have done these two posting in reverse? LOL! Chriss Isaak is below this one somewhere. This is a new Russian teenage singer who has a amazing range in her voice! She also has some really high self confidence, and just focuses on her own talents. It's nice to see others interpret things from the past and give their own impressions! What do you all think? Chriss Isaak is now about 64 years old! This young teenage singer is about two generations younger! https://youtu.be/7jv-DQnf2UY

Ты супер! — Wicked Game — Диана Анкудинова, 15 лет, г. Москва
Второй полуфинал невероятного шоу "Ты супер!".Смотрите новый выпуск проекта и голосуйте за участников на сайте https://ntv.ru/тысупер#ТыСупер #новыйсезон #су...