Truth seeker, Librarian
Four days after German chemist Dr. Andreas Noack released his final video on graphene hydroxide, he was seized by a sudden unexplained attack that caused paralysis, weakness, profound disorientation (like he was drunk), and collapse with loss of breathing.
The media suppressed discussion of Dr. Andreas Noack’s dire warning as well as his suspicious passing.
In his final video he described the graphene hydroxide nanoscale structures as razor blades that are not biologically decomposable.
Some physicians and others who are health freedom advocates have been loathe to discuss any presence of graphene hydroxide or graphene oxide, to the point that other freedom advocates have been censored when attempting to bring up the subject of graphene oxide/hydroxide.
There is more in this article - read to the end…….
This would not be the first time that Dr. Noack was attacked prior to his unexpected death, as he was assaulted by police the year before during live filming...
America Out Loud News@Eyeswideopen
You are on the ball!! I still tell people about this! I never realized how much people just don't care!! But they will!!