Called of God to be redeemed and to stand in this last great spiritual battle by the blood of Yeshua (Jesus) and the word of my testimony, by the grace of God.
bardsfm (Scott Kesterson) says on his podcast that the war has gone HOT, meaning all out psych ops push. Chemicals released, forcing people from their homes and land, no independent reporters allowed near the train wreck. MSU shooting, UFO reports, etc. All meant to completely demoralize us.
Asbury, Kentucky... a student led revival of repentance, worship, testimony since last Wednesday. Tucker Carlson covered it in his show.
There are prophesies and dreams of revival spreading across America and the world and that God will use the media to show what He is doing whether they want to broadcast it or not.
DutchSheets give him 15 today described dream in which eagles left Kentucky with arrows of revival and Holy Spirit fire and spread across the land. Interestingly, Asbury college mascot is the eagle.
Let's see where this all goes.
@MistyJet88 with the Mark of the Beast on deck I think we should look to the prophecies in the Bible. I do believe the Holy Spirit has everything in suspended animation so that people can take these last opportunities to turn to Christ before the tribulation begins in earnest, but let's be careful we are not like the false prophets of Israel who promised victory in the face of the Babylonian invasion. This is going down. Christ is coming soon and the devil is going to manifest his final empire. There is no revival that is going to stop that.