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In seemingly distant yesteryears, people were self-sufficient, spiritually enlived, lived sustainably, and things were scratch-made. Our mission is to make yore fresh for our times; instead of old-fashioned, it's yore-fashioned embracing the "s" principles listed above. Find more of our content and creations here: AND
In seemingly distant yesteryears, people were self-sufficient, spiritually enlived, lived sustainably, and things were scratch-made. Our mission is to make yore fresh for our times; instead of old-fashioned, it's yore-fashioned embracing the "s" principles listed above. Find more of our content and creations here: AND
Easily motivate yourself and reach your goals with this latest title! Find it here:
Some of the greatest minds in history had a journaling habit... Research shows that writing goals down makes you more likely to succeed. Inside this journal, you'll find monthly goal tracker sheets, general habit tracker sheets, health habit tracker sheets, mood tracker sheets, sleep tracker sheets, income tracker sheets, bill tracker sheets, and yearly savings tracker sheets.
Check out our Shop, which has custom name-meaning journals:, AND our other journals on Amazon:!
Enjoy a short bit of instrumental music that is fitting for the times in which we currently live and the scripture reminder and encouragement (a message from Above) from Revelation 1:8: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End... who was and who is and who is to come, the Almighty." ~Jesus
Find more of our content and creations here:
If you enjoy journaling (something some of the greatest minds in history made a point of regularly doing), check out Fruitful Habit's Divine Revelation Scripture Journal, which includes this same verse: or our Custom Name-Meaning Journals in the Shop. Have a blessed day!
We promised more content beyond just our shop (though we will still share updates and other things about it here)... We absolutely love this lady, so check out her stuff if you want to grow some amazing gardening and baking skills to assist your self-sufficiency, sustainable living, and scratch-made habits (she also includes some spiritual enlivenment within the mix):

Oct 25, 2020 - How much to plant per person for a year's worth of food or how many plants per person... 'tis a much-asked question when one is trying to harvest and preserve enough food to take their
PinterestSome of the greatest minds in history had a journaling habit... Did their great minds happen first or did journaling help develop that within them? You decide!
Check out our Shop, which has custom name-meaning journals: AND our other journals on Amazon!
Enjoy a bit of ukelele music and the scripture reminder (one of our shop's main inspirations): "...The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control." ~ (Galations 5:22-23)
Find more of our content and creations here: AND
If you enjoy journaling (something some of the greatest minds in history made a point of regularly doing), check out Fruitful Habit's Divine Nature Journal, which includes this same verse: or our Custom Name-Meaning Journals in the Shop. Have a blessed day!
LAST DAY of our GRAND Opening Sale! Check out our stock of customizable items, humorous home decor, and other fun items, and grab your favorites today while you can still take advantage of the sale prices!
These days we all need to remember the good ol' days and add a bit more humor and fun in our lives, so dress up your surroundings to help promote yours and others' well-being, check us out to see how we can help!
Enjoy a short bit of piano music and the scripture reminder: "You will know them by their fruits." ~Jesus (Matthew 7:16)
Find more of our content and creations here: AND
If you enjoy journaling (something some of the greatest minds in history made a point of regularly doing), check out Fruitful Habit's Fruitful Journal:, which includes this same verse, OR our Custom Name-Meaning Journals: AND
As we now have our shop inventory stocked up (though even more is on its way), you are invited to our official Grand Opening beginning tomorrow, March 6th! Everything in our shop will be 10% off through Friday, March 10th! Feel free to browse and be the first to grab your most loved items to gift to others or enjoy yourself while you can take advantage of our grand entire-store sale! The items you see here are just a taste of all that we've got in store! Our organic Chow Haul canvas bag shown here is one of our favorites, but come check us out to see what else we offer! We look forward to going on this Fruitful Habit journey with you!
Other valuable content will be posted here soon, but we want to share our excitement with you about the official Grand Opening of our shop!
As we finally get everything rolling, we want to be transparent that we are a store (you can find our vintage-inspired humorous decor, customizable products, digital art printables, and other items here: AND most of our journals, planners, and books here:, however we welcome all who share in our mission, which goes beyond our store. We won't be solely focused on our store here, though we will share updates and other things about it from time to time. Please enjoy the information we share here, we are excited to be a part of your journey!
Feel free to follow us on Pinterest as well where we put our focus on shop updates and other shop-related business:
Whether new or well-versed in this Fruitful Habit, one of the most important things to fuel your habit is to reconnect with nature. In yesteryears, people were well-connected with the land. In this digital age, nature can help remind us of our true reality and refresh our bodies/souls/minds, so go stick your toes in some sand, smell the fresh air of a forest, or witness the awesome beauty of a waterfall!