In seemingly distant yesteryears, people were self-sufficient, spiritually enlived, lived sustainably, and things were scratch-made. Our mission is to make yore fresh for our times; instead of old-fashioned, it's yore-fashioned embracing the "s" principles listed above. Find more of our content and creations here: fruitfulhabitshop.etsy.com AND amazon.com/author/cesfruitfulhabit
We promised more content beyond just our shop (though we will still share updates and other things about it here)... We absolutely love this lady, so check out her stuff if you want to grow some amazing gardening and baking skills to assist your self-sufficiency, sustainable living, and scratch-made habits (she also includes some spiritual enlivenment within the mix):

Oct 25, 2020 - How much to plant per person for a year's worth of food or how many plants per person... 'tis a much-asked question when one is trying to harvest and preserve enough food to take their