Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on Amazon.com called “Food Forensics“), an environmental scientist, a patent holder for a cesium radioactive isotope elimination invention, a multiple award winner for outstanding journalism, a science news publisher and influential commentator on topics ranging from science and medicine to culture and politics.
@HealthRanger So, so true
@HealthRanger Everything in this world is upside down. Didn't Kevin Cosner say in the movie JFK, "White is black, and black is white.?"Assange is the world's victim and people, who benefited from the information he gave did not defend him or stand by him. This is one of the things that disgusts me today. No one stands by anyone. Is it fear? Cowardice? Or, just plain meanness? I can honestly say that the world today has taught me just how shitty people really are in their hearts.
@HealthRanger --@Thyme1967 The masses 'Hearts' have been rendered moot, by consuming weaponized meds, drugs in general; along with contaminated, water, and food, IMO.