Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on Amazon.com called “Food Forensics“), an environmental scientist, a patent holder for a cesium radioactive isotope elimination invention, a multiple award winner for outstanding journalism, a science news publisher and influential commentator on topics ranging from science and medicine to culture and politics.
To anyone saying the Trump shooting wasn't real, you're flatly wrong. You can't fake the forensic audio imprint in the recording, which I've analyzed in detail and it conclusively proves the shots came from 400 - 450 feet away, consistent with the shooter that was found and killed. Also, how do you explain the casualties of bystanders? The shooting was quite real. The bigger question is WHY was the shooter allowed to attain that elevated position within such a short rifle range of Trump? The only thing FAKED about this event was the security. The security was theater, but the shooter was real. This was an inside job, coordinated between Homeland Security (which oversees Secret Service) to downplay security and probably the FBI to activate the MK Ultra shooter. The goal was to kill Trump and unleash a conservative revolt across America, then to label all conservatives as extremists, suspend the Constitution and demand nationwide gun confiscation. Fed-run "patriot" groups were no doubt standing by, ready to commit the necessary violence for the media to run with this narrative. They had it all scripted, as usual.