Deeply spiritual, I walk between worlds as a shaman, light warrior, and healer. I'm a free thinker, truth seeker, philosopher, poet, writer, classically trained singer, photographer, nature lover, and mother. I dance.
I value life, freedom, love, respect, and dignity. I love to read, study, explore, learn, grow, and continually develop myself. I enjoy plunging into the vast depths of Infinite Consciousness, contemplating the simple pleasures of life, and everything in between.
On July 25, 2022, The New York Times published an essay by Alex Beggs titled:
"A Taste for Cannibalism?"
"A spate of recent stomach-churning books, TV shows and films suggests we’ve never looked so delicious — to one another."
"Turns out, cannibalism has a time and a place. In the pages of some recent stomach-churning books, and on television and film screens, Ms. Summers and others suggest that that time is now."
I've read the entire article. It comes across as an attempt to encourage the normalization and acceptance of cannibalism in the collective consciousness.
An interesting question to consider is: Why?

A spate of recent stomach-churning books, TV shows and films suggests we’ve never looked so delicious — to one another.
The New York TimesOver the past year, an alarming number of food processing plants have been systematically destroyed all over the United States, and in other countries.
C02 has been attacked by the "Greenies" for several decades, even though C02 is required to grow plants and trees, and it makes the Earth green.
Nitrogen is now being attacked as a harmful pollutant in some places in the world, even though nitrogen, also, is required to grow healthy plants and crops.
Entire herds of Cattle are mysteriously keeling over and dying all at once--something that does not usually happen.
Due to an inability to properly feed herds, cattle ranchers in some places of our country are being forced to liquidate up to 80% of herds, which means there will be an influx of affordable meat for a while, but then potentially, major shortages and extremely high prices to follow.