Deeply spiritual, I walk between worlds as a shaman, light warrior, and healer. I'm a free thinker, truth seeker, philosopher, poet, writer, classically trained singer, photographer, nature lover, and mother. I dance.
I value life, freedom, love, respect, and dignity. I love to read, study, explore, learn, grow, and continually develop myself. I enjoy plunging into the vast depths of Infinite Consciousness, contemplating the simple pleasures of life, and everything in between.
We appear to be heading into a depression and collapse unlike anything we've ever seen in our recorded history.
I urge you to consider stocking up on 2 plus years worth of nutritious, long term storable food and supplies.
I urge you to consider becoming self-sufficient with water, as much as possible, by investing in a rain barrel water catchment system, as well as a Berkey gravity water filtration system--both of which can provide you and your family with clean water for drinking and food preparation, without any electricity.
I urge you to consider becoming self-sufficient with growing your own food, as much as possible, by exploring solutions such as: The Grow System by Marjorie Wildcraft, which involves egg laying hens, raised garden beds, and having a rabbitry.
If your home owners association will not allow chickens, they likely do not have anything in their rules about a rabbitry. Rabbits can be considered pets. You don't have to announce to anyone you are raising them for food. Also, they are very quiet.
Here is a website for a big commercial rabbitry providing information for raising meat rabbits at home:

Welcome to our treasure trove of rabbit information! Rabbit Name List, Record Keeping, Selecting Quality Stock, Tattooing, Breeding, Showing Rabbits, Nest Box Info, Growing Fodder, and Rabbit Recipes!
bharabbitry.weebly.comOther helpful resources:
Resilient Prepping Free Audio Book and PDF
Survival Nutrition Free Audio Book and PDF
I see the July 25th, 2022 New York Times article suggesting the normalization of cannibalism to be a big wake up call and a massive warning sign that if we are not self-sufficient for the basics of life--water, food, shelter, etc, the time is NOW to move in that direction.