Deeply spiritual, I walk between worlds as a shaman, light warrior, and healer. I'm a free thinker, truth seeker, philosopher, poet, writer, classically trained singer, photographer, nature lover, and mother. I dance.
I value life, freedom, love, respect, and dignity. I love to read, study, explore, learn, grow, and continually develop myself. I enjoy plunging into the vast depths of Infinite Consciousness, contemplating the simple pleasures of life, and everything in between.
OMG! I invite you to listen to what this woman says! She literally lays it out so straightforwardly and simply in a way I have never heard before! I've heard many parts of all of this in different ways from different angles. She ties it all together in less than 3 minutes!
This is a must listen! This is exactly what is happening! This is what everyone in the informed world are figuring out, and what the WEF have been spouting sonnets to this whole time!

twitter.comIt's about transhumanism, and the injections.