I am an American who believes in Freedom and the freedom to share truth. I post both sides of the debate and respect everyone's right to agree or disagree. I enjoy reading, walking, and researching history. Love beautiful music, good crime dramas and enjoy fishing.
I don't understand why anyone is supporting any of them since all three stand by the state of Israel no matter what which means they don't stand by America.
Most Americans know by now that Israel is not an ally or a friend to America. S.S Liberty, 9/11, and John F. Kennedy. Need I say more? The information has been out there for years now. As far as abortion goes it never should have been made legal since that was one of the beginnings of the collapse of the moral of the nation. What makes it no different than what Hollywood has been doing is murdering children, for them it is the blood of the average person "We just want to have fun".
The last corrupt two-sided election I voted in was George Bush Jr and that was when I woke up. Once you are awake truly awake there is no going back to sleep. I would love to believe there is an alliance and that Trump, Kennedy, and the military will save the day but if one jumps off the cliff without using critical thinking on this one? We do not yet know if we will just not be played as we have been for the last 100 years.