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Btw I bought some steak today at the grocery store and when I opened it up at home it had a rainbow sheen on it just like you see in those videos of the rivers around East Palestine OH.
Same neon rainbow sheen I saw on my car when the ice was melting. Never seen anything like this before on cars or meat. And I live over 500 miles away from eastern OH.
Still waiting for those government teams coming to forcibly vaccinate us. Or the “sandman” operation of a hundred countries abandoning the dollar. Or the immanence Russian nukes.
Or yeah, just like we’re still waiting on the epic declass from Trump and all the “white hats” who were going to step in with Trump to save us from the Biden COUP. Still waiting for all of the hopium and copium. Where is it?
Just like we are still waiting for “lock her up” and “drain the swamp”, right?
Just flash more bling on camera and tell us to spend more of our money at the health ranger store and your paid affiliates for our preps because the world is ending tomorrow, right? @MikeAdams
Wow.. bragging about and flaunting your own silver and gold coins on camera, a new low. Why not just stick to pushing your own health ranger store products as usual? @MikeAdams
Canada to begin daily check-ins with banks following SVB collapse
Canada's banking regulator, OSFI, is reported to be increasing monitoring of the financial standing of domestic banks after the SVB collapse in the US.
The report adds that OSFI has took steps to start daily check-ins with banks to monitor their liquidity.
Where is the dollar collapse?
Where is the hyperinflation?
Where are the empty grocery stores?
Where are the stalled diesel trucks for lack of oil?
Where are the vaccine teams coming to your door to forcibly vaccinate you?
Where are the death camps they will take you to if you don’t comply?
Notice how the story has shifted; when Trump was in office the overly extreme expectations were often on the positive side, such as:
He will drain the swamp!
He will lock Hillary up!
He will expose the pedos!
He will hold big tech accountable!
He will end fake news!
He will stop the election coup!
He will declassify everything!
And of course none of it happened.
I finally realized what people like Alex Jones and Mike Adams are doing, whether or not they realize it.
They tell the truth but spin it into the most extreme, scary, fear-porn-ish way possible. The effect of this is that once we see how things aren’t really as bad as they were claiming our minds unconsciously accept it. It’s a kind of psychological tactic of normalization via hyperbolization of expectations and the trauma-based manipulation of emotions.
Their job is basically to scare us into thinking the world is constantly going to end tomorrow. This keeps us in a state of fear which de-powers most people, and then eventually just like chicken little saying “the sky is falling!” over and over, the truth in the message loses its potency. We get worn down. We hear horrible things and just accept or reject it without being surprised. Hence: normalized.
@RedWill tucker is fake news controlled oppo; stop supporting Faux News garbage
List of Tax Hikes in Biden’s Budget
Don't sweat the sm stuff i can hear him saying.

President Biden’s Fiscal Year 2024 budget proposal contains nearly $4.7 trillion in new tax hikes on American individuals and businesses. Biden’s proposed tax hikes come just months after Democrats passed…
www.atr.orgPerth Mint accused of diluting its gold bars with silver and copper before selling to China

Australia’s biggest gold refinery the Perth Mint has found itself in the middle of a doping scandal after allegedly diluting its bullion with silver and
Small CapsCIA and Mossad-linked Surveillance System Quietly Being Installed Throughout the US

Launched in 2016 in response to a Tel Aviv shooting and the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida, Gabriel offers a suite of surveillance products for “security and safety” incidents at “so-called…
DC ClotheslineMy business partner was a huge Obama fan. He wasn't a dumb guy and ran his share of the business fairly well. It's just any Obama policy that directly impacted us negatively was excused as better in the long run. Remember the IOU's government contractors were given in exchange for product or services? We never quite made up for the costs of running the company for free those couple of years.
I can see some of these banking CEO's who knew they were forced into buying low yield treasuries in the face of raising rates. They believed their guy wouldn't allow them to become hung out to dry.
The big guy will step in and demand lower fed rates, (just like Trump did) restoring the underlining value and they would unwind their positions. They'll be called heroes for keeping the faith.
Me?? I'll never trust a viper!
Hey, so I got a question. We all see the 5G towers that went up EVERYWHERE, as well as the street lights, LED lighting everywhere. Think about the speed, manpower, resources, land purchases, etc. involved with putting up these towers. You're talking trillions of dollars.
Who paid for all that? I don't think it was the US govt, so who? and they did this in every single country (for the most part).
Yeah, and maybe killing the elderly in nursing homes and withholding medical treatment from MI residents was a little too much genocide and murder committed by this wax-faced, satanic, Soros-funded freak show that didn't make sense, either.

During an interview with CNN's Chris Wallace on Sunday, Democratic Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer admitted that her lockdown measures in 2020 did not make sense and "maybe" went too far in hindsight.In…
www.theblaze.comHere We Go… First Republic Bank Plunges 66% in Pre-Market – Western Alliance Bank Down 62% – Customers Line Up in California! via @gatewaypundit

Hebrew Gospel Pearls (PROMO) | Shabbat Night Live Watch the full episode on Friday at 8:00pm eastern on and
How to Respond to Unconstitutional Acts
Mexican President Threatens Information War to Meddle in US Elections if US Fights Back Against Cartels