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Married with Love,Industrial engineer and Factory owner operator, Fan, fiction writer, enjoying the final vacation, Jimmy Carter forced me to become conservative and I enjoy hearing what people think from all around the country
Married with Love,Industrial engineer and Factory owner operator, Fan, fiction writer, enjoying the final vacation, Jimmy Carter forced me to become conservative and I enjoy hearing what people think from all around the country
I got a lot to get off my mind today.
8% of our community center came down with Covid.
Well they are 80 plus folks and this morning I made the call to shut the center down until we get better information.
I can assume these were all the home tests kits,
I assume all these folks are given a regular RNA shot.
I wonder if the rna shots would show a false positive in the home test kits.
It's flu season up on the mountain.
But we also have a lot of seniors returning from trips from far away places.
Basically I have next to zero facts to work on. Call in the CDC, shit last time we had twice as many cases than people.
Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
I should know more in the next few days
Simple things are being lost.
Do you know what "sign" means?
Google thinks it and it's all about the zodiac.
What sign are you?
So to an nineteen hundreds Tracker you're Chicken poop.
Why is it important to know your poop?
Again ask google and get the wrong answer.
Thanks, I had to get that off my chest.
My neighbor wrote his first book on hunting.
The Hunt For Light.
Talk about getting back to basics!
Where is our leader? Shouldn't Biden address the nation and tell us how good everything is? How this is all Trumps fault?
Bidenomices is working and Old Joe will
Not to go all Conspiracy thingy but this morning all 5 of my investment and banking accounts were not updating correctly Friday morning.
The CEO of crowd Strike explained the largest internet outage in history was caused by a few lines of updated code. "Don't worry everything will be back to normal by Monday.
Maybe we were told the truth, maybe not but what if by Monday only half the systems are back up to 100%? Should we allow them more time before panicking?
Remember, "Give us a few weeks to flatten the curve?"
So it was an "Honest Mistake" Just look at all the systems it effected and ask, "Have we become to depended on cyber systems?"
Honest or not, today was a test and just look how quickly we can be cast back to the 1950's.
Time to shore up all of your back up systems.
What's in your banks terms of service
Who will replace Biden?
Trump's running mate?
Stranger things have happened
You break it, you buy it. Only reason I can think of to vote for crazy old Joe.
I wouldn't mind another 4 years of Trump but the Democrats have learned a new and very special skill. They become dead weight, a skill they learned from Jim Jones who would start a riot at a Republican event and then get the media to blame the Republican when his army for hire was arrested.
Social issues are a horrible way to lead a country yet that's all CNN wanted to debate about.
A leader maintains and shores up the foundation of the country period. If a leader secedes, social issues resolve themself at local levels or simply never happen.
The Media loves social issues because there is no single solution which would satisfy the entire nation, any leader goat'd into pursuing a solution will only fail in the eyes of most of the population and the media then declares the high ground over the leader.
Biden wants to make this election about Abortions.
The right for some dude to force himself on a girl and latter drop her off at a planed parenthood clinic and escape taking responsibility for his actions.
I never used to think about abortion until I asked my young bride "Why so sad?" She blurted out about this son of a real estate developer paid attention to her and latter forced her to have sex.
Months latter his father dropped her off at a clinic where she was placed on a table, sedated and the baby sucked out of her before she knew what was happening.
Five years latter I moved her out of the state because you couldn't go anywhere without seeing his name on a development. 20 years latter our marriage was over but she will never be happy and there is no room for me in her personal Hell.
What a rotten way to begin a young girl's life.
Abortion should be between the mother, father, doctor, supporting parents (if any) and God. Get the government out of it.
Things are so bad, the Clinton foundation donated $ 000,01to help fight dyslexia.
Another meaningless National holiday proposal.
Happy Retirees Day!
Fourth Monday of each June millions of retirees across the nation don't have to get their butts out of bed and go to work.
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought"
Well Mr Einstein, with all due respect I believe WW 3 will be fought with Morons and Idiots.
I blew this off as a click bait scare "get your money out" story a couple days ago. Another reason is I refuse to add banking apps to my "Dumb Phone"
It seems 3 of these start up apps have locked some 85 thousand people out of their accounts with a possibility of another 10 million might be upcoming.
I'm not into the whole phone banking thing but here is the story

The ongoing Synapse bankruptcy mess has exposed the risks in a corner of fintech that grew in prominence during a boom in venture investment. Some people don’t have the brains GOD gave geese!!! I was on the board of Norton…and they always said NOT to banking online. For that matter if you did a lot of online shopping, you should carry LifeLock, because say a target was hacked…the hacker would also have to get through (like PayPal) to get your information. I had a problem this weekend because they had a new system that locked me out of my account. By the time I solved the problem and set it up…Lifelock was already sending me emails to see if it was me, doing the setup. I really sleep better just having it behind me…and have carried for years.
I've been told by Chase that my 2 step verification issues would be solved if I download the bank app to my phone. My issue is that I live on the side of a mountain with poor reception. Internet works 95% of the time. New 5G phone works 5% of the time.
Like smart phones will solve all our problems.. ha ha!
So Monday morning all 5 financial institution accounts required extra verification to log on.
So something is up.
I was in a discussion with an account manager who was curious why I've been moving hundreds of thousands of dollars around this year.
You never speak your true intent to a Jr. Manager of a large bank but I asked him what the difference between money and currency was.
Okay the currency denomination theory works when you hold world dominance in international trade but it isn't the answer.
The answer is Money is created by private citizens as a result of extracting natural resources and converting those resources into accepted monetary units. (goes far beyond gold rounds)
Currency can only be created by government proxy.
Once you grasp that concept, you'll understand where the lines have been drawn between patriot and sellouts.
And that's my rant for the week.
In the age of Dragons, never regret raising Dragon slayers.
This could be my last film project at my age and 12 months production time . It6 cuts into my fishing time. Hope you all enjoy it. remember to give it a thumbs up!
Former Senate aide Tara Reade credibly accused Joe Biden of sexual assault. Now the DOJ is after her and she’s moved to Russia seeking political asylum. We spoke to her in Moscow.
Why God sends you a cat ?
Me. So the kitchen gets mopped more often.
Your tax dollar becoming a trash heap in Moscow

Russian crowds are flocking to see a new exhibition in Moscow of NATO military hardware that was captured by Russian forces in Ukraine.
Nowt and Nil went up the hill to flush the potty water. Nowt fell ill and barfed on Nil and Jesters filled with laughter.
@RedWill He's a man who watched the X files