Married with Love,Industrial engineer and Factory owner operator, Fan, fiction writer, enjoying the final vacation, Jimmy Carter forced me to become conservative and I enjoy hearing what people think from all around the country
I got a lot to get off my mind today.
8% of our community center came down with Covid.
Well they are 80 plus folks and this morning I made the call to shut the center down until we get better information.
I can assume these were all the home tests kits,
I assume all these folks are given a regular RNA shot.
I wonder if the rna shots would show a false positive in the home test kits.
It's flu season up on the mountain.
But we also have a lot of seniors returning from trips from far away places.
Basically I have next to zero facts to work on. Call in the CDC, shit last time we had twice as many cases than people.
Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
I should know more in the next few days