Married with Love,Industrial engineer and Factory owner operator, Fan, fiction writer, enjoying the final vacation, Jimmy Carter forced me to become conservative and I enjoy hearing what people think from all around the country
Not to go all Conspiracy thingy but this morning all 5 of my investment and banking accounts were not updating correctly Friday morning.
The CEO of crowd Strike explained the largest internet outage in history was caused by a few lines of updated code. "Don't worry everything will be back to normal by Monday.
Maybe we were told the truth, maybe not but what if by Monday only half the systems are back up to 100%? Should we allow them more time before panicking?
Remember, "Give us a few weeks to flatten the curve?"
So it was an "Honest Mistake" Just look at all the systems it effected and ask, "Have we become to depended on cyber systems?"
Honest or not, today was a test and just look how quickly we can be cast back to the 1950's.
Time to shore up all of your back up systems.