Robert Braun owner of Pigeon River Farm a 50-acre Organically-Operated Farm located on the southern branch of the Pigeon River near Clintonville in Waupaca County, Wisconsin.
All I hear about from my Dem friends is how good it will be with the New Green Deal!! I find it hard to get anyone of them involved in helping clean up what we are currently doing. I have even been told we need to use GMO/Chemicals Farming to feed the billions of people that will stave without it "BS" we can feed everyone using Organic practices for a fact. You got to love the double standards and low IQ. Just look at the voting patterns and the mess we now have.
Video: https://www.brighteon.com/e80f3e12-2416-46d3-a0ce-a19a507442e6
@PRF The association of Green/ ecologically related ideas with the great Reset IS All marketing BS What their selling is genocide by intentionally collapsing the world economy. Nothing but Satanic control freaks. Their Aim is to make hard/ illegal all non-Corporate Growing right down to my 5 acre organic farm/ranch
@PRF really got no intention of building Back anything Whatsoever period nad zip nothing
@PRF Wait till your friends are cueing for the food banks that when they get to the top of the line and are told theirs nothing left then they will understand the new greed deal