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Retired U.S. Navy Chief
Politicians and pundits saying that support for Ukraine is support for freedom are clueless or are benefitting in some way! These are the same people that convinced over half of the American population to get a dangerous vaccine that we now know is damaging gene therapy. The truth is, if Ukraine is liberated from these criminals currently in charge, we might learn just how dirty some of these US politicians really are. The criminal cartel in charge is the enemy! This is a war between mob bosses.
Another Great Song
Struggle Jennings & Caitlynne Curtis “ God We Need You Now”
Published 2 months ago
Our government, MSM, Big Pharma, and many others with unethical ties toward pushing people into taking the COVID-19 gene therapy are totally corrupt people that keep hyping “the pandemic of the unvaccinated.” There is no such pandemic. Information from every country shows that infection and death rises with vaccination.

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter…
www.globalresearch.caI spoke with Steve Quayle today. He's still recovering. It's confirmed it was an attack targeting him. I will interview him soon and he will provide full details at that time. Without prayers and support from alternative medicine, he would not have survived the attack.
Great interview: Richard Sacks with Dr. Lee Merritt. WOW!
@HealthRanger Duh...who saw THAT coming? I say anyone that has two half brain cells left to rub together. When the history is written about this, they will call this time THE EUGENICS WARS, just like in Stat Trek when Kirk found Kahn and his exiles in the episode called Space Seed. The Eugenic Wars have just begun. The only question is who do we let decide our future and fate. Let the Fremen Jihad begin.
Knowing your enemy. When your enemy is on the outside you can analyze their behaviors and thoughts and determine their next logical step so you'll be ready to counter it. What if your enemy is on the inside? A Judas! Someone who has sold out for all the things men sell out for - wealth, power, status. When your enemy is within and they control the narrative through MSM and Social media what a person to do? The institutions we used to believe in have been corrupted. There is only one way forward.
Since many of our friends and family have voluntarily or were coerced into taking the experimental gene therapy shot for the Chinese virus they should be informed that their immune system is now compromised. They should take additional steps to bolster what remains of their immune system and avoid situations where they are likely to be exposed to deadly pathogens. Here is an article that talks about what a board-certified pathologist and diagnostics lab owner found.

Dr. Ryan Cole, a board-certified pathologist and diagnostics lab owner and operator based out of Idaho, has released shocking new information about how Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccines" are causing…
www.naturalnews.comBOMBSHELL: FDA did NOT approve Pfizer covid vaccine...
Approval granted to "Comirnaty" vax that isn't in production!
Many on this platform realize the CDC is not a scientific entity, but a political entity. It’s striking how much the CDC, in marshalling evidence to justify its revised mask guidance, studiously avoids mentioning randomized controlled trials. RCTs are uniformly regarded as the gold standard in medical research, and yet the CDC ignores them.
Read this article and get the information the CDC will not give you.

ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
www.zerohedge.comSome in congress believe the COVID unvaccinated should not fly. In fact, they are so adamant about this they have introduced a new bill. If you thought that Nazi Germany could not exist here in the US, you are wrong. The Democrats are the Nazis and there are many RINO republicans willing to go along with their total dismantling of the republic. Here is a link to a short article about the bill introduced to the House to deny us our privilege of air travel.

Before this pandemic, it would have been unimaginable for Congress to consider a bill that would ban tens of millions of Americans from flying. But now everything has changed. A new bill has been introduced
The Most Important NewsThis short video of Dr. Dan Scott talking to the school board is a must see for everyone that cares about real science and viruses like COVID. He breaks down in a very succinct manner the reason we should not be following recommendations from the CDC, NIH, or any other politically infected organization, because quite simply they are not making guidance based on science but based on other motivations,

The vast majority of school boards across the nation are embracing the guidance being delivered to them by the CDC, NIH, and state health boards. As we’ve demonstrated with literally hundreds of articles…
🔔 The Liberty DailySenator Rand Paul is right. We the People need to stand up to these petty tyrants and not follow their unscientific mandates for masks and lockdowns.

We don’t have to accept the mandates, lockdowns, and harmful policies of the petty tyrants and feckless bureaucrats. We can simply say no, not again.
www.foxnews.comSadly, many Americans are being coerced into taking the experimental gene therapy. Making an experimental gene altering therapy a condition of employment is something you would expect out of a totalitarian government. Unfortunately, that is the government we have today. Inalienable rights endowed upon us by God have no place in which the state is god. There is no respect for the constitution, in fact it has long been viewed as an impediment to that mindset that wants to rule everything.
Not that many people who frequent Brighteon.Social need any convincing that the last presidential election was stolen, but here is an article that shows how badly it was stolen. The numbers in this article are very conservative and are likely much higher.

Retired Army intelligence captain, elections data expert, and former baseball analyst Seth Keshel released his final national fraud numbers over the weekend. Seth Keshel examined the final vote counts…
The Gateway PunditThe next time someone in a white lab coat and MD in their title tells you that the COVID vaccine is safe and effective, know that they they are either outright lying to you (CDC staff) or moronically shilling for big pharma. They are no better than the snake oil salesman selling elixirs from town to town. VAERS data (which is wildly understated) clearly points to it not being safe. The swine flu vaccine was pulled years ago because it was unsafe and it had far fewer deaths and injuries.
The COVID disease is a real (man-created) virus that can kill. If you or someone you know gets sick enough to be hospitalized from this disease you must be your own best advocate to make sure you are treated properly. The MATH+ protocol is very successful in treating this disease. Here is a link that describes the protocol.

STORY AT-A-GLANCE Early in the pandemic, five critical care physicians formed the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Working Group (FLCCC),
Uncanceled NewsWith the political masterminds getting ready to approve the vaccines - here is a thought to ponder. Hundreds of eminent Establishment physicians and medical researchers have called for the immediate withdrawal of these dangerous “vaccines”, which are not really vaccines at all— they are unapproved, highly experimental gene-modification agents with a 100% record of failure. All Phase III clinical trials for a coronavirus vaccine have failed over the past 50 years.
For those that want to repeat the mantra that the gene therapy called a COVID vaccine is safe and effective they should be presented with this fact: In their first four months, the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines” have racked up more deaths and severe adverse events than all other vaccines combined in VAERS’s entire 30-year history. Since we know the VAERS reporting is voluntary and substantially underreports the numbers are much higher. So much for their "Safe" argument.
Which experts do you believe? Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Science Officer, issued this warning in March 2021: “I’m well aware of the global crimes against humanity being perpetrated against a large proportion of the world’s population….I have absolutely no doubt that we are in the presence of evil…and dangerous products [the gene-based vaccines].”Dr. Yeadon believes the vaccines are often lethal and serve to depopulate the world.