As the until recently unknown to me, grandson of 1 of the men who ran JFK'S winning presidential election campaign, link below
I have a feeling that I have been doing exactly what all people should be doing . File a lawsuit or at least work with others (like me) who are trying to help save the human race from our own "government" . This is exactly why JFK was killed . He was trying to save you.
I found out first hand how big pharma runs everything. My mom's doctors messed up her anti-anxiety meds and caused her to have sub clinical seizures on Dec 28. She had small seizures for two days. In the meantime they gave her a Covid test before I arrived at ER, and of course she tested positive. From then on, the seizures became due to "brain swelling from Covid". Neurology stopped seizures using the drug they had taken away from her and two powerful anti seizure meds. She slept for two days after. God showed us she was back to normal on Sunday and Monday, except for likely needing some PT and OT. Then she went down hill quickly. She became almost comatose. She thought she was feeding herself with her eyes closed but was chewing on her own fingers. Drs insisted she could make own medical decisions. Basically, they were shutting down her body systems with high doses of seizure meds.