- TrumpWINS
- Freedom
- Liberty
Some people work because they have to; I work because I like to.
I've always believed that 'Brand YOU' was critical in any business enterprise. One thing I've learned in all my years in business is that change is inevitable and that goes for the person and the 'Brand'. The Brand can Grow with YOU but you need to try and bring along the clients/people/friends/associates you have known previously. I've gone through several iterations and continue to expand my 'Brand' into new lines of business
Beyond Chemotherapy: A Closer Look At Cancer Treatments | Cut, Poison, Burn | Recently just re-posted. Everyone should/NEEDS to watch this documentation of the EVIL/Tragedy perpetrated by the Medical/Pharmaceutical Industry and our Corrupt Federal Government!
Unfortunately only one very brief mentions regarding NUTRITION was mentioned and that was at the very END. Sad, but most 'Doctors' can't even spell NUTRITION. It is sick, sad, insane and EVIL. Hell, I was given my death sentence back in 2010; Yea, over 15 years ago those idiot/assholes said I was going to die a horrible, painful, agonizing DEATH in a few months to a couple years at most.
Now, at 78, pretty damned healthy and active (my regular blood work is better than my doc's) my wife and I are doing great and I NEVER got Any of that crap 'traditional treatment'. Hell, I wrote a series of books on it just last year to update things. I have written about it published articles in International Journals and more (see: https://publishing.wf4hl.com/)
Watch this!!
For questions see: https://cancersurvivor.wf4hl.com/