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- TrumpWINS
- Freedom
- Liberty
Some people work because they have to; I work because I like to.
I've always believed that 'Brand YOU' was critical in any business enterprise. One thing I've learned in all my years in business is that change is inevitable and that goes for the person and the 'Brand'. The Brand can Grow with YOU but you need to try and bring along the clients/people/friends/associates you have known previously. I've gone through several iterations and continue to expand my 'Brand' into new lines of business
- TrumpWINS
- Freedom
- Liberty
Some people work because they have to; I work because I like to.
I've always believed that 'Brand YOU' was critical in any business enterprise. One thing I've learned in all my years in business is that change is inevitable and that goes for the person and the 'Brand'. The Brand can Grow with YOU but you need to try and bring along the clients/people/friends/associates you have known previously. I've gone through several iterations and continue to expand my 'Brand' into new lines of business
The Future is Probably AI ~ But Who Will Safeguard US?
I grew up in the age of Mainframe computers; those monstrous things that filled most of a room along with the tape storage and early disk storage (size of your washing machine!).
Current AI systems, while quickly evolving, are still in their infancy. Much like the days of the early IBM 360 series computers, they are quickly evolving in power, speed and breadth of ability; dare I say knowledge? The world of high tech is quickly evolving at such a rapid pace that new developments are announced almost on a daily basis.
What is the future of Technology? I really have no idea; I’ll leave that to my Grandkids. I just hope I’m around long enough to see some of it. I believe it will be utterly amazing and hopefully more secure and safe than today’s systems. That, my friends, is the Future of an AI Security Auditor!
We normally take 5mg melatonin each night before bed. Sort of a normal thing for us. Now if you have been following me or on this supplements page you know I also started taking Ivermectin and Moringa in June 2024. Please see those separate pages for more info. In any case, while browsing YouTube (7/27/2024) this video lecture popped up by Dr. Frank Shallenberger and since I had been researching increased dosages of older medications for new uses (like Ivermectin) this was intriguing. Besides a good trusted friend also suggested I check into large doses of Melatonin. So here is that lecture and I truly encourage you to go to the end. It is just LOADED with amazing information on uses and dosages for Melatonin!
Here is a link that shows a shooter on the water tower. 10 witnesses say the shots came from the water tower. Crooks was obviously the patsy(decoy). I think the Biden SS was in on an attempted attack on President Donald J. Trump. They knew of a threat for 3 hours before they allowed Trump to take the stage. It is sick.
If you have cancer (which I do -, here is just some of what you need to know about Ivermectin’s Anti-Cancer properties. If you research, just a tiny bit, you will discover a plethora of valuable information that your ‘doctor’ will never disclose and probably is totally UNAWARE.
Many people are suffering from Bidenomics and the disastrous economy and worse from the Liberal idiots in Governement. Many are being forced to skip meals to make rent payments; not realizing that there is an inexpensive source of nutritious protein available at a cheap price; cheaper than any 'meat, fish, dairy or egg'. It's called TOFU and can be found organically in many stores (including Walmart). It can be seasoned in so many ways and is DELICIOUS as well as Nutritious. The Japanese have been known for it for many hundreds of years but it seems to have orriginated in China:
Tofu originated in China more than two centuries ago. The production of tofu first began around 206 to 220BC allegedly during the Han Dynasty. It finally reached Japan in the 8th century AD.

People have long since wondered where tofu came from, and to be frankly honest what it even is! Join us for a deeper look at this versatile food product.
tofubud.comThe Declaration of Independence made Jefferson internationally famous. Years later, when John Adams complained that the Declaration's ideas were "hackneyed," Jefferson agreed. He wrote: "Neither aiming at originality of principle or sentiment, nor yet copied from any particular and previous writing, it was intended to be an expression of the American mind."

Artwork by Nancy A. Stein
skipstein.substack.comAlways remember: The severity of the PANIC among Democrats is a great indicator for a positive future for America. It's when Democrats feel confident and smug that our futures are in jeopardy. Right now the Democrats are deeply panicked. Celebrate what this means. And thank God for the opportunity to course correct this Republic before it's too late!
For all those who may, just may not remember these wonderous words from Our Declaration of Independence.
Our Star Spangled Banner As You've Never Heard It #WWG1WGA
USA Declaration of Independence
hjs-enterprises.comIVERMECTIN ~ CANCER
One of the interesting things delectated/discovered for those who DID manage to find/take the ivermectin during the fake plandemic, is that there was NOT the increase in cancer cases that have been in the Jabbed folks and some improvement in those who took the ivermectin!! Yea, interesting huh?
As a cancer survivor myself (, this was of great interest. A friend an myself have recently been seeing some new published information (some peer reviewed and some not) on this subject. I also recently found an inexpensive supply of Ivermectin and ordered a large supply.
This is some of the research we have found and encouraged us to begin taking daily doses of Ivermectin!
Nutritionally Cured Holistic Survivor
cancersurvivor.wf4hl.comFOLLOW THE MONEY!
Great short article/data from Katharina Buchholz
Oncology drugs reached $176 billion in sales in 2021, more than double that of the next item on the list, vaccines with $88.6 billion dollars in sales. By 2026, cancer drug sales are expected to almost double to $320.6 billion. Considering worldwide prescription and over-the-counter drug sales, cancer drugs are expected to approach 22 percent of the market in 2026.
Great short article/data from Katharina Buchholz
Oncology drugs reached $176 billion in sales in 2021, more than double that of the next item on the list, vaccines with $88.6 billion dollars in sales. By 2026, cancer drug sales are expected to almost double to $320.6 billion. Considering worldwide prescription and over-the-counter drug sales, cancer drugs are expected to approach 22 percent of the market in 2026.
Is the LEGAL community FINALLY RESPONDING to this Travesty on Healthcare??
Dr. Chadi Nabhan – Expert witness against Monsanto in the Roundup cancer trials
Chadi Nabhan, MD is an award-winning hematologist and medical oncologist specializing in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Dr. Nabhan testified as an expert witness in the first three trials against Monsanto for their potentially cancer-causing herbicide glyphosate, sold under the brand name Roundup. Roundup is the most commonly used herbicide in the world.
Dr. Nabhan authored a new book entitled Toxic Exposure: The True Story Behind The Monsanto Trials and The Search for Justice. It is a behind-the-scenes look inside three major trials involving Monsanto’s glyphosate-containing weed killer RoundUp.

Dr. Chadi Nabhan testified as an expert witness against Monsanto for their potentially cancer-causing herbicide glyphosate aka RoundUp.
Chris Beat CancerDiagnosis DEATH -An Optional Approach
Most people who have never had a diagnosis of a deadly disease and your ultimate death/dying really cannot appreciate the patient’s stress. While most of us all know we will eventually die, most folks don’t have it presented in graphic detail by a ‘medical professional’.
The issue is that very often, that death sentence is rendered because the patient refuses the diabolical ‘treatment options’ presented by that so-called medical professional. Those treatments often would cost ten$ of thousand$ of dollars and more. Interestingly enough, those options usually seldom, IF EVER, offer anything from the list of Alternative Treatments that are not condoned/blessed by the ‘Medical Profession’.
70% of your entire immune system is located within your gut!
The more plants you eat, and the less processed and refined foods and animal products you consume, the happier your gut will be. Plant foods are anti-inflammatory and contain fiber which is essential for feeding the good bacteria in your gut. Plant foods are also nutrient-dense, providing your body with the building blocks it needs to function optimally.
"a new term into scientific literature: ultra-processed foods or UPF’s. Defining the term as highly processed foods rich in sugar, salt, white flour and a plethora of additives and artificial ingredients, they would go on to link UPF’s with not only weight gain, but a wide range of health conditions, including heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, gastrointestinal conditions and depression. And let’s not forget premature death.
Experts tell us that while there are “strong opinions” about why UPF’s are wreaking havoc on our collective wellness, more rigorous science is needed.
I guess it’s not enough for them to realize that these foods are intentionally manufactured to cause overeating, due to hard-to-resist combos of fat, sugar and salt, not to mention flavor enhancers designed to make them addictive. They are made to be easy to chew so you swallow more quantity quickly.
Here is the real kicker though. Many countries like Mexico, Brazil, Canada and a variety of European countries explicitly recommend avoiding UPF’s, US dietary guidelines contain no such advice. (I’m holding my breath to see the new guidelines released in 2025.)
Experts ask what we can do about UPF’s? We can take them out of our food system. How? With education, we will have a more informed consumer who will demand better by voting with their dollar."
I switched my phone (land line) from Frontier back to Spectrum to save some money! (should have been easy right?) the IDIOTS at Frontier CUT MY INTERNET FIBER Service!!! Yea, you heard write and CANNOT just turn it back on! Remember I am keeping the same land line phone number all this time!
I have spent some 3.5 HOURS online with idiot AI and on the phone with poor kids that don’t know what they are doing trying to just get my service turned back on. But Nooooooo, the fools at Frontier rigged their system so that the INTERNET Services are Linked/Tied to the land line service!!!!!!!!! So, when I returned my land line service back to Spectrum, to save some $$$ the Frontier System (designed by a pet rock no doubt), turned off my Internet Fiber Access!!!!!!!!!!!

Switching Land Line Service!
skipstein.substack.comBeyond Chemotherapy: A Closer Look At Cancer Treatments | Cut, Poison, Burn | Recently just re-posted. Everyone should/NEEDS to watch this documentation of the EVIL/Tragedy perpetrated by the Medical/Pharmaceutical Industry and our Corrupt Federal Government!
Unfortunately only one very brief mentions regarding NUTRITION was mentioned and that was at the very END. Sad, but most 'Doctors' can't even spell NUTRITION. It is sick, sad, insane and EVIL. Hell, I was given my death sentence back in 2010; Yea, over 15 years ago those idiot/assholes said I was going to die a horrible, painful, agonizing DEATH in a few months to a couple years at most.
Now, at 78, pretty damned healthy and active (my regular blood work is better than my doc's) my wife and I are doing great and I NEVER got Any of that crap 'traditional treatment'. Hell, I wrote a series of books on it just last year to update things. I have written about it published articles in International Journals and more (see:
Watch this!!
For questions see:
Childhood Vaccine Schedule Led to ‘Greatest Decline in Public Health in Human History’
In 1962, children received just five vaccine doses. As of 2023, children up to age 18 receive 73 doses of 16 different vaccines; the cumulative effects of this childhood vaccine schedule have never been tested.
A U.S. Senate roundtable discussion, hosted by Sen. Ron Johnson, tackled a taboo topic — why public health agencies have not studied the health outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children.
Research shows vaccinated children experienced significantly higher instances of various health issues, including allergies, asthma, behavioral issues and gastroenteritis
The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act requires the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to report on vaccine safety every two years, but the agency has “never submitted a vaccine safety report to Congress”
Health agencies have data on health outcomes for vaccinated and unvaccinated children, but they refuse to make it public, likely due to financial conflicts of interest.
Recall that in September 2021, Joe Biden signed an executive order requiring all federal employees and contractors to get vaccinated. American Airlines and Southwest didn’t fire anyone, but U.S. military members didn’t have a choice.
These are just some of the adverse events reported on Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System - VAERS:
Deaths: 23,419
Permanently Disabled: 40,069
Pericarditis: 29,716
Severe allergic reactions: 38,603
Heart attack: 11,765
Miscarriage: 3,903

The deep state cover-up continues unabated