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- TrumpWINS
- Freedom
- Liberty
Some people work because they have to; I work because I like to.
I've always believed that 'Brand YOU' was critical in any business enterprise. One thing I've learned in all my years in business is that change is inevitable and that goes for the person and the 'Brand'. The Brand can Grow with YOU but you need to try and bring along the clients/people/friends/associates you have known previously. I've gone through several iterations and continue to expand my 'Brand' into new lines of business
- TrumpWINS
- Freedom
- Liberty
Some people work because they have to; I work because I like to.
I've always believed that 'Brand YOU' was critical in any business enterprise. One thing I've learned in all my years in business is that change is inevitable and that goes for the person and the 'Brand'. The Brand can Grow with YOU but you need to try and bring along the clients/people/friends/associates you have known previously. I've gone through several iterations and continue to expand my 'Brand' into new lines of business
EXCLUSIVE: 57-year-old woman's mouth wired shut and jaw broken from random unprovoked attack. Suspect will be released, not bail eligible. Has 7 prior arrests
Private/Secure Email is Critical Today
Stop Giving Away Your Personal Information!

Stop Giving Away Your Personal Information!
skipstein.substack.comI find it disgusting that cities across America are supporting the slaughter of innocent human lives.
Ask yourself, where did all those expensive propaganda posters, banners and flags come from?
I MUST WARN because God says so
A surprise attack could happen again anywhere any place any time let's remember DO NOT ATTEND LARGE GATHERINGS and know your exit points etc ... BE PREPARED but not fearful 365 + Bible tells us not to fear

"Allahu Akbar!" In a show of power, armies of Islamic soldiers march through the streets of Birmingham declaring their support for the Palestinians slaughtering Jews. Last September, these same terrorists…
twitter.comMy brother Bob, lost his battle with pancreatic cancer on July 1st, 2014. He was my younger brother and died way too young.
@SkipStein I’m so sorry about your loss. It’s a terrible way to die. Both of my grandmothers died from it.
We are currently in the stage, “weak men make hard times.”
Klaus Anal Schwab at the 2023 World Government Summit in Dubai: "Our life in ten years from now will be completely different...and who masters those technologies will be the master of the world"
LOL who died and made this weasel a god? Does he not know those who play god will end in DOOM?
Every cult no matter how small or great, ends miserably, with their believers suffering their destruction first.
Masters of the world…ppfft. He is just a man who knows nothing.
Do You Have Prostate Cancer? Have a family member/friend who does? We now have a 'support group' to help!
For many of us who are fighting prostate cancer it is not a happy time. If you are one of those folks, let me give you a prayer of HOPE.
There are literally thousands of us who have survived, yes and thrived, after the dreadful day when we received that deadly diagnosis. While there are many who succumb to the ‘white coat’ treatment program, there are many More who chose an alternative approach to the diabolical, brutal and primitive ‘accepted treatments’ condoned by the mostly corrupt FDA and Medical Industry.
Join Our New Group on MeWe:
Brilliant features with no BS. No Ads. No Spyware. MeWe is the Next-Gen Social Network.
mewe.comDr. Peter McCullough speaks on the lack of safety in vaccines, and the rising technocracy that seeks to steal your health freedom.

Watch now (2 min) | Imagine if mainstream media was this honest?!
metatron.substack.comThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently unveiled new data revealing that between December 14, 2020, and May 27, 2022, a total of 1,287,595 reports of adverse events after C*V*D-19 v@cc!nations were submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
All the while the pharmaceutical companies and our government continue to parrot the slogan, “The C*V*D V@cc!nes are Safe and Effective.”
I read and had this amazing series (about 125+) as occupied by a bunch of people and an alluring female captain. Perry asked why they were all just sitting around staring at computer screens and not repairing their ship; the captain said they had succumbed to the allure of mind-numbing computer games. Sort of reminds me of when we visit the grandkids.
Perry Rhodan: Enterprise Stardust #1 [Scheer, K.H.; Ernsting, Walter] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Perry Rhodan: Enterprise Stardust #1 Medical Hearing Centers - Avenue K, Winter Haven, FL.
I had an appointment yesterday to get my hearing checked. They had called and said that my current insurance would pay for two new hearing aids; great. When I got there the receptionist was pleasant but asked a bunch if crazy 'covid' questions. Then she said the hearing specialist would refuse to see me if I didn't wear a stupid mask; proven to be dangerous and home for bacteria and lung infections.
WHEN will people just wake the hell up and say ENOUGH. This Never-Ending plandemic has plagued our planet for two years and only seems to be getting worse as corrupt governments and their vessel corporate cronies take control of OUR LIVES. Pharmaceutical companies are making TRILLION$ and plan to continue with never ending boosters for a jab that DOES NOT WORK, but only weakens your natural immune system.
Anyone wearing a mask is a total abject IDIOT. Masks cannot and NEVER DID stop a VIRUS from spreading. It DOES Trap bacteria your body is trying to expel and the moist vapor from your breath is an excellent breeding ground for lung infections and worse. There has been TONS of research over decades in ‘masking’ for doctors in surgery and other environmentally hazardous areas.
I am so damned tired of these political influencers thinking they know ANYTHING about nutrition and linking LeftWing idiot liberals to Plant Based Nutrition experts and Lifestyle followers. They have NO CLUE what they HELL they are talking about. My wife and I are 75 and have been strictly Plant Based over 13 years and yes, we eat a lot of soy, tofu and other delicious wonderful HEALHY FOOD. I had/have cancer and my wife seriously clogged arteries; now, Now BOTH HEALTHY
I'm sick of watching videos of CRIMES being committed and the assholes walking Free. From election fraud to crimes on the streets, the Justice Department is Corrupt as HELL and doing NOTHING. Unconstitutional dictates from Washington D.C. and Potato-head idiot in the White House (Fuck Joe Biden) is making dictates that are blatantly unconstitutional.
Most Politicians we have today are CORRUPT. So is the CIA, FBI, DOJ and most of the alphabet agencies. They serve Deep State Masters NOT We The PEOPLE and THEY ALL MUST GO. Hang them, shoot them, send them to GITMO but get rid of them ALL and We The People MUST START OVER. Go back to basics.
Liberal Criminal Totalitarianism
Corrupt/EVIL Governors/Mayors with those Corrupt Police who are “just following orders” are using the same excuse Germans when they formed the Nazi Gestapo. These assholes are no better; they swore an Oath to Uphold Our Constitution and following Criminal Dictates violate that oath. ANY LAW THAT VIOLATES OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS IS AUTOMATICALLY NULL AND VOID.