3/22/23 It's been a long two years since I've been on brighteon.social media. It was time to permanently switch here, away from Telegram. My Telegram app in now dark on my phone so it is inaccessible. My Telegram app on my phone only allows me to post on my channel t.me/truthfederation I used the name InTruth. I believe my Telegram channel was also shadow banned. I never got new followers. This account was set up under a gmail email account. I just started setting up a new account under plensis@protonmail. com but it needs to be approved by brighteon.social For me, I guess it's time to stopping using gmail. I love to be able to share again. Thank you, Mike Adams and all his friends and business associates. Keep up the good fight for our First Amendment rights, and so much more!
Why not just give up social media all together? One less thing to stress over.@plensis