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Good news the link I posted is back up
“My physician told me the vaccine couldn’t do this to me, and that I was healthy, and symptoms were in my head”
You would be amazed how many like my 2 adult daughters who have never seen videos like these…
Never knew of covid mRNA vaccine injuries or deaths. WHY? Because these videos are censored from media like FB.
Educate your children. As a matter of fact, show these videos to all your family members, it could help save them.
@anneke Faith
Well so much for the Republicans getting anything done in the house. With McCarthy as speaker it'll be business as usual.
Yahoo headline this morning, 46 dead in an abandon Tractor - Trailer in Texas. Yahoo finally allowing comments again. Tried re-writing comment 3 times, result, "Your comment failed to publish, try again." I gave up. So much for comments.
Just watched a very moving video made in 2017. Canadian High school Junior's trip to Auschwitz. . Unfortunately they disabled comments. My comment would have been. "And look where Canada is today"
Yesterday, here in NE Vermont the price of diesel fuel went to $6.00+ per gallon. Gas is soon to follow.
Awhile back I read an article (I believe at NN). It was on a clinic in Mexico that's has had great success treating 'untreatable' cancer. The synopsis is : You go to Mexico for 2 to 3 days for interview, testing, etc. You are then sent back home with a very specific set of instructions (diet, herbs, exercise, etc. I just can't find it again. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Just downloaded RFK's book. While the hard copy is around $35.00 I got my ebook at Google play store for 3 bucks. Eye opener to say the least and I'm only on chapter 2. IMHO a must read for every patriot (anybody really) concerned with their health.
Quite disappointed to hear Kyle's comments about Lyne Wood.
@Easterndmondbk Yes and I also have heard from a few trusted sources that,that system is voluntary and is anywhere from 1% to 10% of the actual number.
@Easterndmondbk Problem is they can't have a discussion. They'll Just interrupt you call you a bunch of silly names like racest or bigot. Then they'll threaten to call police (that they want to defund). Your just can't have a logical talk with most liberals.
This comment has to do with Mike's podcast on pine needles and expresso machines. In his reference to alcohol, water mixtures. Vodka etc. is measured in Proof. Proof is twice the rate of percentage. So 80 proof vodka is actually 40% alcohol the rest in the bottle is water. I don't think Mike was taking this into account. So with the recipe for the expesso machine your suppose to use 30% alcohol that would be 60 proof. Mike if your read this please correct me if I am wrong.
Another shooting. This time in Colorado. Seems like there's one a day now. Very rare occasion when Donald J was leading the country. Go figure!!!!!!! Just more ammo (pun intended) for the Dims more gun control mantra. Couldn't possibly have to do with frustration now could it? Very sad but this country is about to explode.
Once again Disqus deleted a comment I had made on Mike's article on Yarrow (Natural News). I made a rather lengthy comment on my past uses of this miracle herb. I wasn't trying to sell something or anything like that. They said nit was under review, went back later and it was gone. Anyway I guess I'm just not going to bother commenting anymore. Wish now I had made a copy I would just post it here. Trust me Yarrow is a truly amazing wild healing herb, a gift from God.
Just finished watching ' The Passion of Christ' I have heard the story since I was a little boy but, that film really brought it home. We concentrate on such insignificant things these days. We live worrying about money and status while ignoring what is really important, our souls. My prayer, Father forgive me for I know not what I have done. Amen. My thanks to Mel Gibson and all those involved with this film for explaining it to me.
There`s nothing wrong with this picture........there`s everything right about it.................!!
@Easterndmondbk And no political strings!!!