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So how does one communicate with friends and some family about current events and not sound like a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy nut? I am not asking this as a joke...the only way to get the word out is to pass it through our friends and family. I think it’s best to have unedited sources in the rawest form and to simply provide it to those folks....ideas??
Today I am ashamed of the National Guard. Why it’s Officer Corp does not stand up and and refuse to take part in this sham is beyond me. I speak from experience when I say the DC looks like BIAP in 03-04 I am not exaggerating. This should cause folks to move to action.
@WilliamArnold Let them hang themselves. They will.
Having retired from the MIARNG I have believed that the fact that the rank and file of the guard were your average Joe’s and would never allow such things like occupying our own capital....sad is all.
And to continue the previous post...once you understand how politicians practice their speech craft it becomes so much easier to call bs on things and gives you the ability to nail down your points with clarity. I personally never discuss politics with intent of “convincing” approach is more the horse to water. That said I believe that political discussions are most effective at swaying people’s views by planting seeds of truth and letting them grope their way to enlightenment.
@WilliamArnold We, as a society, have been told not to talk about politics, or religion as to avoid unnecessary confrontation. Personally, I believe our society has been ill served by this advice. What we should have been taught is how to have these conversations respectfully without resorting to name calling or in some way belittling the person instead of addressing the facts of the argument. Personal influence is much more impactful than the dribble espoused by MSM and politicians.
Yeah I seem to remember the advice of “never discuss politics, religion, or money”. And what would have been a better path would have been to teach how to discuss those topics in a civil manner. I am not bothered by different views, it’s when a conversation degenerates to an all or nothing verbal bashing match where the central point becomes wining as opposed to understanding. In today’s world I would likely be labeled a racist and a person in need of reprogramming for thinking such ways.
There was a movie in 2005 titled “Thank you for Smoking” in which a scene depicts the main character explaining to his son how he does his job as a lobbyist. This scene basically demonstrated how politicians argue points no matter the side of the isle. As an adult I agree that honesty goes to the heart of my trust of someone, but politicians are not honest...well not honest as I view them. If you view what they say through the prism of the conversation in the movie it’s very easy to catch.