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We’re about a year behind our fellow UK population. What’s happening there now will happen to us 6-12 months from now. Remember, it’s the people against the g l o b a l i s t s. Their economy is structured like ours so this video applies to us. We, as Western nations, are the last to fall. The Euro goes first, then the Dollar is the End Game.
#Shocking trove of HHS records reveals most aggressive vaccine #propaganda campaign EVER: Screenwriters, comedians, church #leaders, black doctors and influencers all PAID OFF to pimp the vax

Judicial Watch has nailed it yet again, suing HHS to acquire a treasure trove of documents that reveal the world’s most exhaustive, heavily funded and wide-ranging propaganda campaign to try to convince…
newstarget.comI doubt I would survive regardless. I require thyroid meds daily, and it is impossible to obtain more than a few months worth of pills (made by the psychopathic global elitist pharmacutical industry-the ones who want everyone dead). Without the synthetically made pills I am a goner (as are many others who require medications).
They sure are zipping up the skies trails like crazy crisscrossing still no birds
Don’t take the bait. Get your own potassium iodide. I honestly don’t think this will happen. If anything, they’ll stage a simulation. It’s another scare tactic to get the population to cooperate.
See the documents and get the full interview: Biotech analyst Karen Kingston unveils PATENTS and documents describing the covid vaccine 5G link, biosynthetic AI nanotech, “soft actuators” and NEUROWEAPONS implanted with needles

Few people have conducted as much research into the mRNA injections -- dare not call them "vaccines" -- as Karen Kingston, a biotech analyst who previously conducted contract work for Pfizer, J&J, Thermo…
www.naturalnews.comIt's happening.
Full article with both interviews and podcast: Weather weapons are targeting human infrastructure, aiming for Extinction Level Event (ELE) via mass famine and collapse

Today's Situation Update podcast covers the weaponization of weather systems to target human infrastructure. It is over two hours in length and features interviews with Dane Wigington (see below) as well…
www.naturalnews.comSituation Update, Sep 24, 2022 - Rumors of massive troop movements + Russia's doomsday nuclear weapons
- Rumors rising of a military coup taking place in China
- Germany promises to deploy police / troops on the streets to stop civil unrest
- Rumors of troop movements in London, with fears of currency collapse
- Discussion of Russia's "doomsday" nuclear weapons: SkyFall and Poseidon
- China hires 162 nuclear research scientists who worked at top US nuclear facility
- 200,000 Chinese troops + 300,000 mobilized Russia troops = half a million new troops
- Nations are clearly preparing for global warfare on a massive scale
#WorldWarIII has already begun, but the truth is being withheld from the public until the very last moment

World War III has already begun. You simply aren't being told this because your government and dishonest media outlets are dedicated to keeping you in the dark. After all, they want to use the remaining…
www.naturalnews.comMany breaking events taking place. Just recorded an emergency Situation Update podcast update, to be posted late Saturday morning USA time. Title = "Rumors of massive troop movements + Russia's doomsday nuclear weapons"
Features an interview with Michael Yon, plus analysis of Russia's "Skyfall" and "Poseidon" nuclear doomsday weapon systems.
We are on the verge of annihilation, and western nations are run by psychopaths and lunatics. God help us all...
Podcast will appear on my channel page on Brighteon: is a leading online free platform that empowers free speech, allowing individuals to freely share videos and express their thoughts without any form of censorship. Join us today and be part…
www.brighteon.comWW3 MILITARY DRAFT - Globalists Plot STAGED WAR - Martial Law & Rations To Come! - WORLD ALTERNATIVE MEDIA
Boost your #nutrient intake by eating nutrient-dense #fruits and #vegetables #superfoods

When buying food at the grocery, get more bang for your buck by focusing on the most nutrient-dense produce. But first, you need to know which delicious and nutritious ingredients to use in your daily… people four times more likely to get infected with #COVID, warns Canadian doctor #vaccinehoax #plandemic

A Canadian doctor revealed that people injected with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines are four times more likely to get infected. Dr. Chris Alan Shoemaker, a licensed physician in Ontario with… I’ve already seen this happening to the vaccinated. They keep getting sick, and not just with COVID. Their immune systems are exhausted and can no longer function properly.
Just gotta love how libtard Americans think they're supporting "democracy" by supporting Ukraine, the very same corrupt, tyrannical regime that just proposed a FIVE YEAR PRISON SENTENCE for any person who votes in the upcoming Donbass region referendum to join Russia.
Because, y'know, threatening people for voting is what democracy is all about, right?
Won't be long before Ukraine is building barbed wire fences (like North Korea) to KEEP PEOPLE IN!
In this interview I did with a Texas border operator who runs teams, I learned what, "IVs for IAs" means.
It means when they find an illegal alien (IA) who is unconscious from heat exhaustion and lack of water -- which is REALLY common along the border -- they treat them with IVs for hydration and call for a medical team.
IVs for IAs. That's our world today in a nutshell.
Our guys are literally SAVING LIVES of the illegals who are streaming across, because of course Americans are humanitarians and we don't want anybody to die, even if they are violating our US immigration laws.
Hear this short interview for the full details (also posted earlier this morning)