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scientist, consciousness researcher, writer, educator, ecologist, food/herb grower, artist
scientist, consciousness researcher, writer, educator, ecologist, food/herb grower, artist
@holistic Zeolite is awesome stuff! I use the Regal Supplements Zeolite Pure because the particle size distribution is superior to so many other brands, many of which have not even tested this attribute of their products.
@holistic Did you see the carefully placed 'top secret' documents in the video of the Mar A Lago floor, with all their titles the same way up and visible for the viewer, whilst all the other documents were scattered naturally sideways, upside down, some titles covered, etc? So obviously staged!
@holistic Zeolite has many benefits - awesome stuff!
@holistic So easy to err - poisons are hidden everywhere. I'm also gluten free and dairy free. To me it's obvious now but I remember how much I had to learn by trial and error (ouch!) and from other people. So now in every restaurant, party or friend's house, I have to give an education first on WHAT contains g and d. Otherwise they think vinegar, spelt and kamut (wheat doh!) are OK and ghee (butter doh!) is OK and oats (grown near rye and wheat) are OK, and about contamination of chopping boards and cooking vessels, and tongs when shop staff drag pies out of the oven and gluten crumbs fall all over the GF food - I have to tell them to put the GF pies on top. It's a constant practice of awareness and an encyclopedia of knowledge!
Hi Holistic, sent you my wellbeing summary compiled over many years - thought you might enjoy it...
@intruth So glad you guys stay strong!
@intruth Please keep us posted on the progress of your explorations...
@TwistedEagle indeed! I'm sure your question is revealing and valid. Meanwhile, and I know it might detract from the seriousness of the issue - I just love planes: the F series especially the F-18, and also the fabulous Harrier VSTOL Jump Jet!
@TwistedEagle Hmmm, Twisted Eagle, I'm an Aussie, and rarely eat beef (only a local contact's organic stuff maybe once or twice a year), but I'd say to anyone - Aussie beef is suspicious because the injections and cattle-killing are under way here too... Interesting that your photo shows a bilingual label!
@holistic Or is it a panther?
Noteworthy that today no-one administers first aid to a fellow citizen in need, because they fear legal repercussions. My how society has fallen!